Carlos Alcaraz’s agent now issues a 16-word update on his future at Southampton

An update has emerged pro­vid­ing the lat­est infor­ma­tion on Car­los Alcaraz’s future at Southamp­ton and a poten­tial exit.

Southamp­ton out­laid £12.3m on Alcaraz from Argen­tin­ian club Rac­ing last year and dur­ing his 47 appear­ances on the South Coast, he has impressed enough for Serie A giants Juven­tus to come call­ing.

The 2003-born mid­field­er signed for Juve in Jan­u­ary on an ini­tial loan deal with an option to buy for a whop­ping £38m.

Alcaraz has appeared four times for the Turin-based out­fit but is cur­rent­ly side­lined with a ham­string injury.

His agent was inter­viewed by AS last week and pro­vid­ed the lat­est on his Saints future.

Update on Carlos Alcaraz future at Southampton

SSC Napoli v Juventus - Serie A TIM
Pho­to by Ivan Romano/Getty Images

Alcaraz may have played his final game in a Southamp­ton shirt as he bat­tles to impress Juve boss Mas­si­m­il­iano Alle­gri in a bid to remain at the club beyond his ini­tial loan.

Despite reports of Juve being unwill­ing to acti­vate his steep buy­out clause, Alcaraz’s agent remained opti­mistic that he will com­plete the move on a per­ma­nent deal.

“I don’t know what’s going to hap­pen. But I think he’s going to gen­er­ate the move,” he told AS on Fri­day.

Whilst, admit­ted­ly, he didn’t sound too assured, it does appear that the Saints loa­nee wants to remain in Italy.

The Argenti­na under-23 inter­na­tion­al will have aspi­ra­tions of becom­ing a fix­ture of his nation’s senior set­up up and in order to realise that desire, it seems he’ll have to depart St Mary’s, par­tic­u­lar­ly if Rus­sell Martin‘s side fail to go up.

What Carlos Alcaraz exit could mean for Southampton

Leices­ter City have been in the news recent­ly due to poten­tial­ly breach­ing Prof­it and Sus­tain­abil­i­ty (PSR) rules, which could result in a points deduc­tion next sea­son.

So, with that said, Saints will be eager to raise funds before the end of the finan­cial year in order to stay in line with the reg­u­la­tions.

Should Southamp­ton remain in the Cham­pi­onship anoth­er term, sell­ing Alcaraz for a sub­stan­tial fee could be imper­a­tive in order to avoid a PSR charge.

Mar­tin was reluc­tant to start the 21-year-old for much of this sea­son, any­how, so his exit wouldn’t be too dam­ag­ing.

Of late, it seems clubs are far more wary of Finan­cial Fair Play and that was evinced by the reduced spend in Jan­u­ary across the foot­ball pyra­mid.

The South Coast­ers opt­ed to oper­ate in the loan mar­ket, rather than out­lay­ing any cash, so clear­ly club chiefs are eager to spend with­in their means and league rules.

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