Three Premier League players Southampton should pounce on if they get relegated

Southamp­ton remain firm­ly in the hunt for auto­mat­ic pro­mo­tion and sum­mer trans­fer plans will already be under­way.

Rus­sell Martin‘s side endured a blip last month but have start­ed March off with two suc­ces­sive wins against Birm­ing­ham City and Sun­der­land.

They reside in fourth, six points adrift of sec­ond-placed Leeds Unit­ed with a game in hand and they still have Daniel Farke’s side to play.

So head­ing into the final 10 games of the gru­elling Cham­pi­onship cam­paign, Saints have every chance of mak­ing an instant return to the Pre­mier League.

Direc­tor of foot­ball Jason Wilcox will already be work­ing behind the scenes on tar­gets for the sum­mer along­side Mar­tin.

With poten­tial­ly nine play­ers depart­ing St Mary’s, it’s expect­ed to be a busy win­dow on the South Coast, regard­less of what divi­sion they end up in.

With that said, Southamp­ton News has tak­en a look at three play­ers the club could sign if they are to be rel­e­gat­ed from their respec­tive teams in the Pre­mier League.

Zeki Amdouni – Burnley

Burnley FC v Fulham FC - Premier League
Pho­to by Gareth Copley/Getty Images

Whilst he has endured a dif­fi­cult debut sea­son at Burn­ley, Zeki Admouni is a strik­er with bags of poten­tial and could replace Che Adams, who looks like­ly to depart at the end of the sea­son.

Vin­cent Kom­pa­ny has described the 23-year-old as a ‘nat­ur­al goalscor­er‘ and that notion is cer­tain­ly evinced by his stats.

Amdouni, who is two-foot­ed, has net­ted six times in 11 out­ings for Switzer­land and pri­or to join­ing the Clarets, he enjoyed a 22-goal cam­paign with Basel.

Sander Berge – Burnley

Burnley FC v Brentford FC - Premier League
Pho­to by Matt McNulty/Getty Images

Sander Berge, also of Burn­ley, would be a fan­tas­tic addi­tion to Southamp­ton and fits the style of play Mar­tin deploys.

The tow­er­ing Nor­way inter­na­tion­al is a well-equipped pass­er of the ball and would pro­vide the Saints with a greater pres­ence in mid­field.

Aged 26, Berge has his best years still ahead of him and could become a fix­ture of the mid­field for years to come.

Gustavo Hamer – Sheffield United

Sheffield United v Arsenal FC - Premier League
Pho­to by Chris Brunskill/Fantasista/Getty Images

Sheffield Unit­ed snapped up Gus­ta­vo Hamer from Coven­try City in the sum­mer trans­fer win­dow and since join­ing The Blades, he’s often been the shin­ing light in a rel­e­ga­tion-threat­ened side.

Hamer is an excel­lent set-piece tak­er and Saints have missed hav­ing that trait fol­low­ing James Ward Prowse’s depar­ture.

Unit­ed out­laid £15m on his sig­na­ture, so per­haps Southamp­ton could secure his ser­vices for a sim­i­lar fee, which would rep­re­sent fan­tas­tic busi­ness.

The 26-year-old has pro­vid­ed eight goal con­tri­bu­tions across all com­pe­ti­tions this term for the club.

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