Eight players Saints could sanction transfer out in exchange for fee this summer

SANCTIONING the sales of key and fringe play­ers were key to Southamp­ton keep­ing their head above water this sea­son.

Fol­low­ing rel­e­ga­tion from the Pre­mier League, Saints trad­ed more than £100million in play­ers to stay on the right side of finan­cial fair play.

James Ward-Prowse, Tino Livra­men­to and Romeo Lavia all made high-pro­file returns to Eng­land’s top divi­sion. 

How­ev­er, there were sev­er­al the club were grate­ful to see gone, with clubs in coun­tries such as Qatar, Turkey and Bel­gium the recip­i­ents. 

READ MORE: Hasen­hut­tl: ‘After four years in the Pre­mier League, I just want­ed to go under­ground’

Here are the play­ers we think Saints will try to sell for a fee or would be open to nego­ti­a­tions for in the upcom­ing sum­mer win­dow… 

Daily Echo: Saints chiefs might need sales to balance the books again this summerSaints chiefs might need sales to bal­ance the books again this sum­mer (Image: Stu­art Mar­tin)

Charly Alcaraz — £25m to £40m

The Argen­tine was one of the few shin­ing lights in the Pre­mier League last sea­son but it nev­er start­ed to work under Rus­sell Mar­tin. 

Saints sanc­tion­ing an admit­ted­ly unlike­ly per­ma­nent trans­fer clause in his Juven­tus loan sets out their stall on the 21 year old.

Reports in Italy already sug­gest Juve will not acti­vate the £43million option to buy, while Alcaraz is cur­rent­ly side­lined through injury. 

How­ev­er, that option gives oth­er top clubs a mark­er for what Saints might demand and the club will accept a fee in that region. 

Daily Echo: Charly AlcarazChar­ly Alcaraz (Image: PA)

Armel Bella-Kotchap — £17.5m to £27.5m

Ger­man defend­er Bel­la-Kotchap has endured a night­mare on loan at PSV after his dead­line day move to Bay­ern Munich fell through.

The 22 year old inter­na­tion­al has been side­lined by shoul­der surgery since Novem­ber and is only just com­ing back to the pitch now.

His stock has almost cer­tain­ly fall­en in the last 12 months but he is still a valu­able play­er who will like­ly attract offers. 

Mar­tin want­ed to keep him this sea­son but he did not want to play in the Cham­pi­onship and it could be a sim­i­lar sto­ry again.

Daily Echo: Armel Bella-KotchapArmel Bel­la-Kotchap (Image: PA)

Kamaldeen Sulemana — £12.5m to £22.5m

Kamaldeen is yet to record a goal this sea­son after his last-day dou­ble against Liv­er­pool proved promis­ing in May last year. 

The 22 year old is Southamp­ton’s club-record sign­ing but third-choice left-winger in the Cham­pi­onship at the same time. 

Kamaldeen was linked with a move away last sum­mer but an injury in pre-sea­son like­ly scup­pered any chances of that. 

Saints may have to accept a loss on the £22million they paid but it seems unlike­ly either par­ty would reject a sig­nif­i­cant sum­mer offer. 

Daily Echo: Kamaldeen SulemanaKamaldeen Sule­m­ana (Image: PA)

Paul Onuachu — £7.5m to £12.5m

Onu­achu’s Saints career last­ed less than six months and he is an almost cer­tain­ty for a per­ma­nent exit this sum­mer.

Tra­b­zon­spor have paid Saints a loan fee for his ser­vices and are like­ly to pur­sue a trans­fer at the end of the cam­paign. 

Reports sug­gest they do not want to pay more than £10million for the pro­lif­ic Niger­ian for­ward, who cost £15million to buy from Genk.

If Saints can get near that back it will be a nice bonus and could be key to bal­anc­ing the books in the event of no pro­mo­tion. 

Daily Echo: Paul OnuachuPaul Onu­achu (Image: Stu­art Mar­tin)

Romain Perraud — £5m to £8.5m 

Mar­tin ruled out the return of Per­raud in Jan­u­ary despite hav­ing just one fit left-back in Ryan Man­ning. 

It sug­gests the boss does not want or need Per­raud and makes a return in the sum­mer seem unlike­ly. 

Per­raud, 26, will have one year left on his Saints con­tract come the sum­mer and this could reduce the val­ue Saints can get for him. 

They will look to get as much as pos­si­ble back from their ini­tial out­lay and Nice report­ed­ly have an £8.5million option to buy. 

Daily Echo: Romain PerraudRomain Per­raud (Image: Image: Stu­art Mar­tin)

Duje Caleta-Car — £4m to £6m

Cale­ta-Car made only 13 Pre­mier League appear­ances last sea­son and the rea­son why was shroud­ed in rumour.

Lyon have paid less than £1.5million for the loan and have an option to buy him worth around £3million, with a fur­ther £2million bonus. 

Cale­ta-Car seemed to make it clear he would not return to Saints in a thanks mes­sage after his move with the loan like­ly to be made per­ma­nent. 

Lyon have won nine of their last 11 games with Cale­ta-Car, 27, start­ing, hav­ing won just one of the last 10 with­out him. 

Daily Echo: Duje Caleta-CarDuje Cale­ta-Car (Image: PA)

Mat Lis — £1m to £2.5m

Pol­ish shot-stop­per Lis has nev­er played for Saints but has become a fan-favourite at Sport Repub­lic sis­ter club Gozte­pe.

The 27 year old per­formed well against Saints in the pre-sea­son friend­ly and reports have sug­gest­ed he will stay in Turkey. 

Lis was signed on a free trans­fer and a five-year con­tract in the sum­mer of 2022 but could be a no-brain­er move to Gozte­pe.

Nego­ti­a­tions will be easy and Saints will make a bit of speedy prof­it, with Joe Lum­ley already signed up to remain back­up next sea­son. 

Daily Echo: Mat LisMat Lis (Image: Southamp­ton FC)

Lyanco — £1m to £2.5m

Lyan­co was ruled out between Octo­ber and Feb­ru­ary through injury but is back and play­ing again for loan side Al-Gharafa. 

A per­ma­nent trans­fer to Besik­tas fell apart at the last minute last sum­mer and Saints could not find anoth­er new home.

Per­haps the cen­tre-back, now 27 years old, will return to Brazil — a future at Saints is extreme­ly unlike­ly.

Albeit a pop­u­lar char­ac­ter, his stock has only fall­en since a £5million move to Saints from Tori­no in 2021 and it will go down as bad busi­ness. 

Daily Echo: LyancoLyan­co (Image: PA)

Trans­fer val­ues giv­en are only esti­mates based on online mar­ket val­ues and feel­ings from sources.

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