‘I’m delighted’ — Lumley signs one-year contract extension at Saints

SAINTS goal­keep­er Joe Lum­ley has signed a one-year con­tract exten­sion to remain at St Mary’s until the end of next sea­son.

The 29 year old arrived last sum­mer sign­ing an ini­tial one-year con­tract and has made four appear­ances so far in the 2023–24 cam­paign.

Lum­ley helped Saints reach the Emi­rates FA Cup fifth round, keep­ing clean sheets against Wal­sall and Wat­ford in the third and fourth rounds respec­tive­ly.

The shot-stop­per has now signed a deal to remain on the south coast until at least the sum­mer of 2025.

Com­ment­ing on his new deal, Lum­ley said: “I’m delight­ed with it. The first aim is to play and to get the club pro­mot­ed. But I want­ed to achieve the extra year.

“I’m absolute­ly lov­ing being at the club. Obvi­ous­ly, I would like to be play­ing in the league, but it’s my duty to sit on the bench and be back up for Gavin (Bazunu), and push Gavin every day and push Alex (McCarthy) every day. Then to improve myself.

Daily Echo: Joe Lumley warming up ahead of his first appearance for the club

“So I’m real­ly pleased with myself and look­ing for­ward to what hap­pens at the end of this year and next year.”

Direc­tor of foot­ball Jason Wilcox added: “We’re delight­ed to extend Joe’s stay for anoth­er year.

“Joe’s a bril­liant pro­fes­sion­al and has added real qual­i­ty and expe­ri­ence to the goal­keep­ing group, as well as being an inte­gral part of the dress­ing room.

“He sets a bril­liant exam­ple with how he approach­es each day and Joe will be valu­able as we con­tin­ue into next sea­son.”

Lum­ley is yet to make his Cham­pi­onship debut for Southamp­ton but has made 152 appear­ances in the divi­sion across his career.

Hav­ing ini­tial­ly joined as third choice keep­er, the for­mer Read­ing and QPR man now reg­u­lar­ly sits on the bench ahead of for­mer Eng­land inter­na­tion­al McCarthy.

In join­ing Southamp­ton, Lum­ley linked back up with goal­keep­er coach Dean Thorn­ton, with whom he had pre­vi­ous­ly worked with at QPR.

Speak­ing to the Dai­ly Echo ear­li­er this sea­son he explained how impor­tant a role Thorn­ton has played in his career.

He said: “I can’t thank him enough. He has been incred­i­ble for me my whole career — even when I was at dif­fer­ent clubs, I would be on the phone to him for advice. If it weren’t for Deano, I would not be where I am now.”

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