Injured defender Larios pictured back in Saints training

SAINTS defend­er Juan Lar­ios has been pic­tured back in train­ing dur­ing the club’s extend­ed inter­na­tion­al break.

The 20 year old has not played any min­utes for either the senior or youth team this sea­son as he recov­ers from injury.

Lar­ios was signed from Man­ches­ter City on dead­line day in 2022 for around £5million but has been blight­ed by fit­ness con­cerns. 

The Spaniard’s last appear­ance came in Ralph Hasen­hut­tl’s final match as boss in a 4–1 defeat at home to New­cas­tle Unit­ed. 

Young­ster Lar­ios has now been pic­tured tak­ing part in warm-ups at train­ing by the club’s offi­cial media team on Tues­day.

Lar­ios trained with the first team dur­ing the Sep­tem­ber inter­na­tion­al break but went off injured mid­way through the ses­sion. 

He could offer back­up cov­er to Ryan Man­ning for the final few games of the sea­son — or return with a full pre-sea­son next cam­paign. 

Mar­tin recent­ly told the Dai­ly Echo: “We will look to inte­grate him back into the squad ful­ly in the next three to four weeks.

“He has got a lot of work to do to get there. It is nice to have him and we real­ly like Juan, we’ve been so dis­ap­point­ed for him. 

“If we can see him on the pitch or in the squad between now and the end of the sea­son that would be a real bonus.” 

Lar­ios addressed con­cerns from sup­port­ers on social media ear­li­er this year, reveal­ing he had a ham­string injury and adding: “Don’t retire me!”

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