Popcorn or nuts — what to choose for a snack without harming your figure

What will make you gain weight faster? What does your intu­ition tell you?

Just because a food is “healthy” does­n’t mean it pro­motes fat loss.

Saturation index

To stay slim, it is impor­tant to eat not low-calo­rie foods, but foods with a high sati­ety index, and rely on sci­en­tif­ic research and not on prej­u­dices.

Legumes and grains

In gen­er­al, these are foods with a low sati­ety index and they are as high in calo­ries as, for exam­ple, white bread. They con­tain slight­ly more fiber and pro­tein than white bread, but the ener­gy den­si­ty of these prod­ucts is approx­i­mate­ly the same. There­fore, our body per­ceives them almost iden­ti­cal­ly.

Nuts: worth it or not?

Nuts are anoth­er exam­ple of a food that does­n’t have the best sati­ety index due to its extreme­ly high ener­gy den­si­ty. Most nuts have about 600 kcal per 100 g, but they are no more fill­ing than baked goods with the same macronu­tri­ent con­tent.

Nuts or rice cakes?

Nuts have the same sati­ety index as, for exam­ple, choco­late and rice cakes. What to choose as a snack if you need to keep an eye on your favorite nuts?

Popcorn as a solution

Try the pop­corn! Just not the kind in movie the­aters, cov­ered in sweet or salty syrup. Pop­corn with­out syrup is the same corn, but popped, mixed with air, and with a reduced ener­gy den­si­ty. 100 kcal pop­corn takes up sig­nif­i­cant­ly more space in your stom­ach than 150 kcal pota­to chips. So you’ll feel full faster with­out tak­ing in extra calo­ries.

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