Saints midfielder Rothwell wins EFL Championship Goal of the Month for February

SAINTS mid­field­er Joe Roth­well has won the Sky Bet Cham­pi­onship Goal of the Month for Feb­ru­ary.

With Rus­sell Mar­t­in’s side two goals down to Hud­der­s­field, the on-loan mid­field­er opened his account for the club with a stun­ning 20-yard vol­ley to kick­start the come­back.

He went on to equalise moments lat­er and Saints won an eight-goal thriller 5–3 to keep pace with the oth­er sides at the top of the Cham­pi­onship.

Speak­ing after win­ning his award, Roth­well said: “First­ly, a mas­sive thank you to every­one who vot­ed for me for this award.

“It was a spe­cial goal for me per­son­al­ly, with it being my first for Southamp­ton and most impor­tant­ly help­ing the team to come from behind to win also.

“In regard to the goal itself, as soon as I hit it I knew it had a real chance of going in. It was a crazy game and a huge result for the team that day.

“I think it just shows the char­ac­ter that’s in this group. We knew even at 2–0 down we always had a chance as long as we got the next goal.”

Lead Sky Bet EFL Goal of the Month judge and Sky Sports pun­dit, Don Good­man said: “Joe Rothwell’s was the stand­out strike in the Cham­pi­onship.

“A first-time vol­ley is always spe­cial but the tech­nique he showed to exe­cute it was out of this world.

“He had to wait for the ball to drop but his con­cen­tra­tion nev­er wavered, he man­aged to get his strike across the ball and fire it into the top cor­ner.

“There is no doubt it will be a Goal of the Sea­son con­tender!”

The 29 year old beat off com­pe­ti­tion from Cardiff City’s Josh Bowler, Ply­mouth Argyle’s Ryan Hardie, and Watford’s Yas­er Aspril­la to win the award.

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