The man started training after 60 years old and changed his body beyond recognition: look what he did to himself

The regime of 63-year-old Bruce Endler is very sim­i­lar to the lifestyle of any aver­age man: he also does not have time for fit­ness, and the reg­u­lar­i­ty of train­ing leaves much to be desired. Nev­er­the­less, the man man­aged to com­plete the 60-day trans­for­ma­tion chal­lenge. Are you weak?

Bruce admits that he tried to stay active through­out his life, but he spent most of it in the pilot’s seat. Due to con­stant busi­ness trips and an unsta­ble sched­ule, the man could not afford to exer­cise reg­u­lar­ly, and health prob­lems only increased the paus­es between trips to the gym: Endler under­went sev­er­al surg­eries on his shoul­der and spine.

To his cred­it, Bruce tried to go to the gym at least once a week, depend­ing on his work sched­ule. When the world was gripped by a pan­dem­ic and the num­ber of flights sharply decreased, the man com­plete­ly switched to home work­outs, but Bruce admits that even here his reg­u­lar­i­ty left much to be desired.

What about food?

“I tried my best to eat a bal­anced diet and watch my calo­rie intake,” Bruce shares. But try­ing doesn’t mean doing it. Dur­ing the lock­down, the man (like most of us, let’s be hon­est) real­ized that he was drink­ing too much and sit­ting in front of the TV. After decades under pres­sure, Endler real­ized that he had relaxed and nat­u­ral­ly began to gain weight and waist size.

Get in shape in 60 days

How to train?

Hav­ing real­ized the prob­lem, Bruce did not feel sor­ry for him­self, but imme­di­ate­ly signed up for a 2‑month pro­gram to restore his pre­vi­ous shape. The man approached the rec­om­men­da­tions wise­ly and adapt­ed the train­ing pro­gram to suit him­self.

  • Every day he began with fat-burn­ing car­dio train­ing on an emp­ty stom­ach, but these were not exhaust­ing marathons, but 45-minute walks at a high pace. Before leav­ing the house, Bruce drank a glass of water and a cup of espres­so, and after the walk he start­ed break­fast.
  • The sec­ond work­out was strength train­ing: the man worked with weights for 60–90 min­utes, and then went to lunch. Bruce per­formed strength train­ing a cou­ple of times a week, and on “rest” days he replaced the activ­i­ty with a ses­sion on the ellip­ti­cal train­er.
  • After lunch, Bruce walked past the couch and almost imme­di­ate­ly went out for a sec­ond 45-minute walk.

How to eat?

For the first few weeks, Bruce fol­lowed a low-carb diet, and then began alter­nat­ing low-carb days with high-carb days — a mix that helped his metab­o­lism work even more active­ly.

Measurements before and after transformation

  • 75 kilo­grams at 22.9% body fat
  • 69 kilo­grams at 17.8% body fat

Bruce con­tin­ued train­ing and has now gained 15.1% mus­cle mass. Let us remind you that the man is 63 years old.

Top tip

There will always be excus­es and jus­ti­fi­ca­tions, but what real­ly mat­ters is con­sis­ten­cy. Suc­cess comes from a series of actions: one more rep, a cou­ple more pounds of weight, or a cou­ple more min­utes makes a big dif­fer­ence.

Are you lis­ten­ing to the 63-year-old fit jock in dis­be­lief? Here more sci­en­tif­ic approach in which experts explain how to save mus­cle mass from break­ing down as you age: sci­en­tists esti­mate that peo­ple over 50 lose up to 1% of their mus­cle mass every year. Find out how you can avoid this fate and become even stronger.

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