5 reasons to consider Cristiano Ronaldo a unique footballer

A strong mix­ture of agili­ty, endurance, strength, pow­er and speed, plus a tire­less will to win, made Cris­tiano Ronal­do what he became. We ana­lyzed the game of the great Por­tuguese and found 5 key com­po­nents of his suc­cess.

1. Endurance

Ronal­do runs more than 10 km per game, and since he plays often, the six-pack on his abs has no chance of hid­ing from view behind fat­ty tis­sue. Ronal­do scored more than a quar­ter of his goals last sea­son in the final 20 min­utes of the game. Oth­ers were already blown away by the end of the match, but he flut­tered and stung with the same force.

2. Strength

Ronal­do squats with a bar­bell of 200 kg. Strong quadri­ceps are essen­tial for a suc­cess­ful strik­er who wants to score a div­ing head­er. Chris jumps 79 cm (almost like NBA play­ers). This means that he can reach the ball with his head, even when it is 259 cm above the lawn.

3. X factor

Ronal­do can make deci­sions dur­ing a game faster than oth­er play­ers. The best soc­cer play­ers devel­op accel­er­at­ed spa­tial per­cep­tion, which allows them to eval­u­ate the posi­tion and move­ment of up to sev­en dif­fer­ent objects per sec­ond, while the aver­age per­son eval­u­ates only five. When he choos­es how to drib­ble past a defend­er, he instant­ly reads the slight­est hints about what move­ment the oppo­nent is plan­ning, and also remem­bers the posi­tion of the oth­er play­ers. And all this is on a sub­con­scious lev­el.

4. Speed

Ronal­do accel­er­ates on aver­age 33 times per game to his top speed of 33 km/h. His explo­sive accel­er­a­tion negates attempts to arti­fi­cial­ly cre­ate off­sides. He also has an excel­lent sense of bal­ance and body con­trol, which allows him to sud­den­ly change direc­tion, mak­ing him vir­tu­al­ly elu­sive when drib­bling.

5. Power

The speed of the ball after hit­ting Ronal­do reach­es 130 km/h. Excel­lent tech­nique allows a foot­ball play­er to grasp the ball with the side of his foot while tak­ing a free kick. As a result, the ball rotates so much in flight that it can change its tra­jec­to­ry with­in 274 cm, leav­ing no chance for the oppos­ing goal­keep­er.