6 most important personalities in the history of the Olympic Games

We remem­ber the out­stand­ing peo­ple thanks to whom this great tra­di­tion con­tin­ues to this day.

1. The idea of ​​reviv­ing the Olympic Games in Greece was first expressed by a Greek poet Pana­gi­o­tis Sout­sos. In his 1833 poem, the ghost of Pla­to stern­ly asks the lyri­cal hero: “Where are your Olympic Games?” The answer was giv­en in 1859, when the first Olympias took place — local Olympic Games that did not have inter­na­tion­al sta­tus.

Panagiotis Soutsos

2. Evan­ge­los Zap­pas was a hero of the Greek War of Inde­pen­dence, after the suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of which in 1832 he went into busi­ness and became one of the rich­est men in Europe. Since Zap­pas remained a patri­ot of his home­land, he will­ing­ly spon­sored events that helped raise the nation­al spir­it — the so-called “Olympias”, which were held reg­u­lar­ly from 1859 to 1888 and were essen­tial­ly the pro­to­types of the mod­ern Olympics. The inher­i­tance of Evan­ge­los Zap­pas and his broth­er Kon­stan­ti­nos also served to finance the first inter­na­tion­al Olympics in 1896.

Evangelos Reserve

3. French Baron Pierre de Cou­bertin deliv­ered a report on “The Revival of Olymp­ism” on Novem­ber 25, 1892 at the Sor­bonne. He man­aged to con­vince the world com­mu­ni­ty of the need for inter­na­tion­al Olympic Games, and 4 years lat­er they were held for the first time in Athens. De Cou­bertin also had his own rea­sons for this: he believed that the rea­son for France’s defeat in the Fran­co-Pruss­ian War was the poor phys­i­cal prepa­ra­tion of his rel­a­tives. Until his death in 1937, de Cou­bertin held lead­er­ship posi­tions in the IOC he found­ed, only once inter­rupt­ing his work to par­tic­i­pate in com­bat oper­a­tions on the fields of the First World War.

Pierre de Coubertin

4. Greek poet and busi­ness­man Demetrius Vike­las ded­i­cat­ed his life to the revival of ancient cul­ture, there­fore, hav­ing learned about the con­ven­ing of the Inter­na­tion­al Olympic Com­mit­tee, he insist­ed that the first Games be held not in Paris, as orig­i­nal­ly planned, but in Greece. The Olympics were suc­cess­ful­ly held in Athens in 1896, and Vike­las — now the pres­i­dent of the IOC — with even greater enthu­si­asm pro­posed to hold all sub­se­quent Olympics there from now on. But the rest of the IOC mem­bers rea­son­ably rea­soned that the Olympic Games are not a nation­al event, but an inter­na­tion­al one, and should be held in dif­fer­ent coun­tries. After this, a dis­ap­point­ed Vike­las left his post and from then on attend­ed the Games only as an hon­ored guest.

Demetrius Vikelas

5. From 1925 to 1942, the Pres­i­dent of the Inter­na­tion­al Olympic Com­mit­tee was a Bel­gian aris­to­crat Hen­ri de Bayeux-Latour. Back in 1920, in the con­di­tions of post-war dev­as­ta­tion, he bril­liant­ly orga­nized the Olympics in Antwerp, after which he began to enjoy author­i­ty in sports cir­cles. Bayeux-Latour was also respon­si­ble for the infa­mous 1936 Berlin Olympics, which became the Fuhrer’s per­son­al hol­i­day. Under him, the IOC Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee began to play a major role in deci­sion-mak­ing. The IOC man­age­ment sys­tem cre­at­ed by Bayeux-Latour is still in effect today.

Henri de Bayeux-Latour

6. Michael Mor­ris, 3rd Baron Kil­lanin, head­ed the Olympic Com­mit­tee dur­ing the most dif­fi­cult peri­od of its exis­tence — from 1972 to 1980. As vice-pres­i­dent and pres­i­dent of the IOC, he had to deal with the ter­ror­ist attack at the Munich Olympics in August 1972, the finan­cial­ly dis­as­trous 1976 Mon­tre­al Olympics and the boy­cott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Mor­ris resigned as pres­i­dent short­ly before the start of the Moscow Games, no longer able to bear their exces­sive politi­ciza­tion; but he left behind most inter­est­ing mem­oirs about his years of work in the Com­mit­tee.

Michael Morris