48-year-old David Beckham appeared topless in the gym: Victoria ridiculed the ridiculous image of her husband

The singer admit­ted that some­times her hus­band sur­pris­es with his actions, but she likes it.

For­mer Spice Girls singer Vic­to­ria Beck­ham showed a pho­to of her half-naked hus­band David. She shared this pho­to on social net­works, caus­ing delight among her sub­scribers.

Why did Beckham appear naked on social networks?

In the pub­lished pho­to, 48-year-old Beck­ham appeared top­less in the gym. The for­mer foot­ball play­er was wear­ing short shorts, socks and sneak­ers, and was hold­ing a paper bag. Vic­to­ria admit­ted that her hus­band made her laugh with a sud­den stu­pid joke:

“There are days when David real­ly makes me laugh. He walked into the gym and said, “I’m going to school.”

How did your subscribers react to the photo?

The pho­to of David Beck­ham with­out a T‑shirt did not leave users indif­fer­ent. “What a man,” “Vic­to­ria, you are a real lucky lady,” “I wish I could see this every morn­ing,” they wrote in the com­ments.

Con­sid­er­ing that the Beck­hams have their own gym in their Lon­don home, the fam­i­ly can afford to come to train­ing in any form. By the way, there are floor-to-ceil­ing mir­rors and equip­ment includ­ing a tread­mill, row­ing machine and exer­cise bikes.

Recall that David and Vic­to­ria Beck­ham have been mar­ried since 1999. The cou­ple have three sons—Brooklyn, 24, Romeo, 20, and Cruz, 18—as well as daugh­ter Harp­er, 11.