Lifehack of champion boxer Tyson Fury, who turns his fists into stones

The best heavy­weight of our time is known for eccen­tric actions, but in this mat­ter he out­did even him­self.

Now box­ing and MMA are con­sid­ered by many to be high­ly trau­mat­ic sports. But gloved box­ing has evolved from bare-knuck­le fight­ing — in the past, fight­ers fought with a min­i­mum of rules.

At that time, many life hacks were born, which, accord­ing to reviews, allow you to strength­en your fists and reduce the risk of injury. One of them is used by the best heavy­weight of our time — the unde­feat­ed Tyson Fury.

How does a champion boxer strengthen his fists?

The risk of injury in the era of bare-knuck­le fight­ing was very high. To strength­en the fists and make the skin rough and insen­si­tive to pain, they were lubri­cat­ed with var­i­ous mix­tures. The most pop­u­lar was a mix­ture of vine­gar, vod­ka, lemon juice and euca­lyp­tus oil.

Cham­pi­on Tyson Fury, on the eve of his rematch with Deon­tay Wilder, said that he would strength­en his fists by dip­ping them in gaso­line. He learned this method from a fist fight­er — by the way, Fury’s father also fought with­out gloves. And he even blind­ed his oppo­nent in one eye.

“I spoke with the leg­endary bare-knuck­le fight­er. His name is Big Joe Joyce. He told me to dip my hands in gaso­line to strength­en them.

So for the last three to four weeks of train­ing camp, I’ll soak my arms in gaso­line for five min­utes a day to strength­en them. It worked for him, so I’ll try it too,” Fury said.

Did Fury’s life hack work?

The first fight end­ed in a draw. The Wilder-Fury rematch took place on Feb­ru­ary 22 in Las Vegas, end­ing in a resound­ing vic­to­ry for Fury. The same out­come was in the rematch — Tyson proved his sta­tus as the best heavy­weight of our time.

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How­ev­er, you should not try this method on your­self — not every­one is con­fi­dent in its effec­tive­ness and harm­less­ness. After all, Fury also said that he con­stant­ly per­forms cun­nilin­gus on his wife to strength­en her jaw. She also mas­tur­bates sev­en times a day to “pump up” with testos­terone. The cham­pi­on is known for his eccen­tric behav­ior and puts on a show out of every inter­view.