Footballer Neymar’s pregnant girlfriend allowed him to cheat: these three conditions must be met

The PSG star does not hide his love for oth­er women, although he is prepar­ing to become a father.

French Paris Saint-Ger­main strik­er Ney­mar and his girl­friend Bruna Bian­car­di entered into an unusu­al agree­ment. The cou­ple dis­cussed con­di­tions in case the foot­ball play­er wants to cheat on his beloved, reports the Dai­ly Mail.

Under what conditions can Neymar cheat on a girl?

The cou­ple came up with a list of three con­di­tions. Ney­mar needs:

  • observe “cau­tion” in com­mu­ni­ca­tions;
  • use a con­dom;
  • Don’t kiss girls on the lips.

The pub­li­ca­tion claims that Ney­mar is allowed to freely flirt and have sex with oth­er women, despite his rela­tion­ship with Brazil­ian mod­el Bruna Bian­car­di.

How­ev­er, not every­one is so tol­er­ant. Find out the sto­ry of a guy who acci­den­tal­ly talked about cheat­ing in his sleep.

What is the relationship between Neymar and his girlfriend now?

Ney­mar and Bruno were first spot­ted togeth­er in 2020, when the Brazil­ian threw a huge par­ty for about 500 guests at the height of the pan­dem­ic. Then they became close, began to active­ly cor­re­spond on social net­works and even­tu­al­ly became a cou­ple.

Last year they broke up due to the foot­baller’s infi­deli­ty. But this year they got back togeth­er, and in April it became known about Biancardi’s preg­nan­cy.

The foot­baller is hap­pi­ly expect­ing a child, but seems to have hon­est­ly admit­ted his polygamy. He won’t mar­ry Bruna, and now the girl has giv­en him per­mis­sion to cheat. If you’re not ready for such an open rela­tion­ship, learn how to catch your part­ner cheat­ing.

What is known about Ney­mar’s girl­friend? She is a famous mod­el and blog­ger, she has mil­lions of fol­low­ers on social net­works. She comes from San Pao­lo and is trained as a fash­ion design­er. He is also a foot­ball fan and sup­ports the Brazil­ian Palmeiras.