The couple lost 180 kg: incredible transformation

They’ve been through a lot of test­ing, but look at them now!

Lexi and Dan­ny Reed have achieved incred­i­ble results in los­ing weight, despite break­downs and life-threat­en­ing ill­ness­es. Between them, they lost 180 kg of excess fat, and the woman had to go through most of this jour­ney.

Lex­ie and Dan­ny lived like most oth­er Amer­i­can cou­ples who fell in love dur­ing their high school years and then made the final deci­sion to spend the rest of their lives togeth­er. The cou­ple start­ed dat­ing back in 2007, and this process gave them both a lot of plea­sure, but it also entailed bad habits, such as a seden­tary lifestyle and overeat­ing fast food, includ­ing at night.

Lexi had nev­er liked the idea of ​​healthy eat­ing, and her eat­ing habits had got­ten worse since get­ting mar­ried. There was a peri­od when the cou­ple man­aged to lose some weight, but they soon gained it back.

Lexi Reed at the age of 25 weighed 219 kg — the same weight as three men of aver­age height. Dan­ny, on the oth­er hand, was over­weight him­self, although he weighed “only” 127 kg. But the sad­dest thing was that every day they both gained more and more excess fat.

the couple lost weight

Some every­day activ­i­ties, no mat­ter how sim­ple, became a real chal­lenge for the cou­ple. They could not go for walks or ride bicy­cles, no mat­ter how easy they were. How­ev­er, after cel­e­brat­ing their first wed­ding anniver­sary in 2016, they decid­ed to make pos­i­tive changes in their lives.

The cou­ple had a lot of plans for the new year 2016, and like many peo­ple around the world, they made a New Year’s res­o­lu­tion that changed their lives. Lexi had surgery to reduce the vol­ume of her stom­ach and switched to a healthy diet. Grad­u­al­ly, as she lost weight, she began to add exer­cise. Her hus­band sup­port­ed her in every­thing. There were also break­downs, espe­cial­ly dur­ing peri­ods when the woman was sick.

For exam­ple, she expe­ri­enced sys­temic inflam­ma­tion of inter­nal organs and spent five days in a med­ical­ly induced coma. A long peri­od of recov­ery and lack of active move­ment led to the fact that she began to gain weight again. But in the end, the girl got rid of 140 kg, includ­ing sag­ging and stretched skin on her stom­ach, which pre­vent­ed her from exer­cis­ing nor­mal­ly.

skin after weight loss

Sev­en years have passed, and now the cou­ple con­tin­ues to strug­gle with kilo­grams of excess fat, but progress is obvi­ous even to the naked eye. Any skep­tic can be con­vinced of this by look­ing at the pho­to before and now los­ing weight. The cou­ple has under­gone (and con­tin­ues to under­go) many tests, includ­ing the recent­ly dis­cov­ered incur­able dis­ease in the girl — cal­ci­phy­lax­is, in which cal­ci­um is deposit­ed in the blood ves­sels. They con­tin­ue to fight shoul­der to shoul­der for their health.

lose 100 kg