Boxer Denis Lebedev ate cockroaches and lost 11 kg in Africa: he told what they taste like

The for­mer cham­pi­on expe­ri­enced incred­i­ble stress while film­ing the real­i­ty show.

Russ­ian box­er Denis Lebe­dev is a for­mer world heavy­weight cham­pi­on and the own­er of a mem­o­rable bru­tal appear­ance. Sev­er­al years ago he retired from pro­fes­sion­al box­ing, and recent­ly took part in the real­i­ty show “New Stars in Africa” on TNT.

How does Lebedev describe the experience of survival in Africa?

On the project, the stars under­went tough tests: in the African jun­gle they fought for food and a place on the team. Lebe­dev assures that there was no decep­tion in the footage — they lived in Spar­tan con­di­tions. The box­er admit­ted that he lost 11 kg dur­ing film­ing, although he has no regrets — he came to the project over­weight.

This hap­pened due to con­stant hunger — the par­tic­i­pants ate if they won. With­out coins they starved, and Lebe­dev calls beans with­out salt the most ter­ri­ble dish. How­ev­er, there was a lot of water, and this is the most impor­tant thing in the heat.

Lebedev ate cockroaches — they look like chicken pate

As for the tests, Lebe­dev admit­ted that it was dif­fi­cult. On cam­era, the par­tic­i­pants ate var­i­ous nasty things — the box­er con­sid­ers fer­ment­ed eggs to be the most ter­ri­ble. He could­n’t swal­low them — they were springy in his throat, so he had to chew.

Lebe­dev con­sid­ers unleav­ened mar­malade with cock­roach­es to be the most tol­er­a­ble del­i­ca­cy. He called the dish unpleas­ant, but the first time it tast­ed like chick­en pate. But the sec­ond time the cock­roach was dis­gust­ing, but the box­er didn’t have to try it again.

“I was lucky that the first one was like pate, but the sec­ond one was unpleas­ant. Did­n’t show it. Felt like some­thing was stuck. I take it out, and there’s a leg,” Lebe­dev said.