Ronaldo’s mother wanted to have an abortion while pregnant with Cristiano: the shocking secret of the footballer’s family

The Por­tuguese might not have been born if the woman had made this fate­ful deci­sion — due to incred­i­ble pover­ty.

Katia Aveiro, the sis­ter of Sau­di Al-Nasr and Por­tu­gal nation­al foot­ball play­er Cris­tiano Ronal­do, said that their moth­er planned to have an abor­tion when she was preg­nant with the ath­lete.

Ronaldo might not have been born if his mother had had an abortion

“Cris­tiano was born when he shouldn’t have been. Our moth­er, Dolores, could not give birth to a child — there was lit­tle food, it took a lot of strength. Some­times even what we had was not enough to feed every­one.

Dolores want­ed to have an abor­tion, but some­thing stopped her at that moment, and the child was born. 39 years ago she made this deci­sion against every­thing and against every­one. And the child was born,” Aveiro wrote on social net­works.

How did Ronaldo’s family live?

Let us remem­ber that Ronal­do became the fourth child in a poor Por­tuguese fam­i­ly that was bare­ly mak­ing ends meet. Although they lived poor­ly, the chil­dren were pro­vid­ed with every­thing they need­ed — for this, their par­ents worked day and night at sev­er­al jobs.

There were no toys, instead of a foot­ball uni­form there were cast-offs, and instead of boots there were old sneak­ers. At school, Cris­tiano, his broth­er and two sis­ters were dressed decent­ly — the moth­er tried to hide the pover­ty of the fam­i­ly. But his peers still laughed at young Cris­tiano because of his crooked teeth and unath­let­ic fig­ure. Ronal­do cried a lot and made few friends, but he knew that some­day he would become great.

“My child­hood was dif­fi­cult, but I nev­er lacked any­thing. My par­ents worked hard and did every­thing so that we, the chil­dren, would not need any­thing,” the foot­baller recalled.

Ronal­do became a foot­ball star and earned an incred­i­ble for­tune. But he will soon end his career — we have a cou­ple of years left to enjoy his game.