Leonid Slutsky parodied Dziuba in an intimate video: the scandalous trick of the former coach of the Russian national team

Col­leagues from foot­ball crit­i­cized the spe­cial­ist who allowed him­self a risky joke in a humor­ous show.

For­mer coach of CSKA and the Russ­ian nation­al team Leonid Slut­sky is one of the most media spe­cial­ists in foot­ball. He has been try­ing his hand at humor for a long time: he used to appear on the KVN stage, and now he’s mak­ing waves on the Inter­net. At Rubin, Slut­sky rapped and sang New Year’s songs, but sen­sa­tion­al­ly dropped out of the RPL.

After leav­ing the team, Slut­sky con­quers YouTube: he cre­at­ed a show with Artem Dzyu­ba and comes to famous blog­gers as a guest. Slut­sky says that he breaks the mold of humor, which not every­one is ready for. He recent­ly record­ed a par­o­dy of Dzyu­ba, which was instant­ly called a dis­grace.

Slutsky came to a show where you can’t laugh

Slut­sky appeared in come­di­an Aza­mat Musagaliev’s “Big Show” pro­gram. The goal is to make your oppo­nents in the same room as you laugh. For laugh­ing, the par­tic­i­pant is removed from the pro­gram. There are also yel­low cards for smil­ing and bor­der­line dis­plays of fun.

Slutsky at the show

With the help of sketch­es, prac­ti­cal jokes and com­e­dy tasks, par­tic­i­pants test each oth­er’s strength. Slut­sky came to the show with Dzi­u­ba: the foot­ball play­er was sent off for two yel­low cards — just like in foot­ball.

Dzyuba laughed, so he dropped out of the show

When Dzi­u­ba left, Slut­sky began to rock: he went out onto a small stage and read his son’s rap. This didn’t real­ly help, then Slutsky’s par­o­dy of Dzyuba’s inti­mate videos was shown on the screen.

Slutsky raps

Slutsky’s parody of Dzyuba: humor on the verge of a foul

Slut­sky was lying on the sofa in a dress­ing gown, mov­ing the tip of his tongue, and with hand move­ments he pre­tend­ed to mas­tur­bate, say­ing: “Dzi­u­ba… Igrochish­ka…”

After which the gen­er­al plan shows: Slut­sky is not mas­tur­bat­ing, but pump­ing up a soc­cer ball.

The show’s par­tic­i­pants appre­ci­at­ed Slut­sky’s par­o­dy of Dzyu­ba, and actor Max­im Lagashkin laughed. You can watch the excerpt with Slut­sky from 27:07:

Click and watch

Slutsky is criticized for his daring parody

After the show aired, Slut­sky was heav­i­ly crit­i­cized — espe­cial­ly by peo­ple from foot­ball. Com­men­ta­tors under the video were also not hap­py, but my col­leagues turned out to be tougher.

Agent Dmit­ry Selyuk said that Slut­sky belongs in a men­tal hos­pi­tal, and com­men­ta­tor Alex­ey Andronov that he wants to “vom­it.” Ex-Celta play­er Alexan­der Mostovoy com­plete­ly refused to watch the video, call­ing Slut­sky “a ran­dom per­son in foot­ball.”

Match TV com­men­ta­tor Timur Zhu­rav­el believes that it will be dif­fi­cult for Slut­sky to return as a coach to the RPL after such an out­burst:

“Every trash broad­cast of Leonid Vik­torovich cross­es a cou­ple of clubs off the poten­tial list of employ­ers. I think the road to the RPL is closed for him. Slut­sky swam behind the buoys.”

By the way, Slut­sky recent­ly joked: “If I record an inti­mate video, it will be a hor­ror film, it seems to me.” It seems that this is what hap­pened — not every­one liked the par­o­dy of Dzyu­ba.

Now Slut­sky will need self-irony, which he often lacks: the coach breaks the mold in humor, but is offend­ed by crit­i­cism and harsh jokes addressed to him.