“He looks like Trevor from GTA”: Conor McGregor grew a mustache and made fans laugh with his new image

The ex-UFC cham­pi­on was rec­og­nized as Hulk Hogan and even an adult film actor.

Conor McGre­gor is prepar­ing to return to the UFC: his fight with Michael Chan­dler has been announced, but the date is unknown. While fight­ers serve as coach­es on the real­i­ty show TUF, where fight­ers com­pete for a chance to gain a foothold in the UFC.

New image of Conor McGregor

The fight with Chan­dler is post­poned, because McGre­gor will not return to the pool of dop­ing-test­ed fight­ers. Many accuse him of using dop­ing to gain weight, as well as vio­lat­ing the regime. McGre­gor is even sus­pect­ed of rape due to an inci­dent at an NBA match.

Conor recent­ly post­ed a video on social net­works in which he showed his new image. He will def­i­nite­ly sur­prise you — the fight­er has grown a mus­tache instead of the usu­al beard!

Why did Conor grow a mustache?

Many thought that Conor repeat­ed the image of WWE star Hulk Hogan, who has sport­ed a horse­shoe mus­tache for decades. And some­one saw a ref­er­ence to UFC star Chuck Lid­dell, the idol of the young McGre­gor.

In 2008, five years before join­ing the UFC, Conor entered his first UFC tour­na­ment. There he took a fan pho­to with Chuck Lid­dell that would become icon­ic. In 2020, anoth­er pho­to appeared: Conor had become a UFC star and was weigh­ing in, and Lid­dell was stand­ing in the crowd.

Conor and Chuck Liddell (2008-2020)

Fans appre­ci­at­ed Conor’s new look with a mus­tache. “This dude is dif­fer­ent every month,” “Looks like Trevor from GTA,” “Drunk McGre­gor is back,” “The image of a 70s porn star,” they wrote in the com­ments.