Why does Michael Jordan have yellow eyes: have serious concerns been confirmed?

Many bas­ket­ball fans are wor­ried about his con­di­tion. Find out what real­ly hap­pened.

After the release of the doc­u­men­tary about the leg­endary ath­lete, “The Last Dance,” in 2020, many fans noticed that Jordan’s eyes were yel­low­ish for some rea­son. Some peo­ple were so wor­ried that they began to attribute ter­ri­ble ill­ness­es to the bas­ket­ball play­er. This symp­tom may be a sign of jaun­dice, hepati­tis or hemol­y­sis.

How­ev­er, Jor­dan fans can exhale. Their idol has none of the above dis­eases. Jor­dan may sim­ply be suf­fer­ing from melanosis, which is a pig­ment­ed lesion of the con­junc­ti­va. It is often found in peo­ple with dark skin, writes Sportskee­da.

Jordan retired

This dis­ease only gets worse with age, and at the time of the film’s release, the Chica­go Bulls star was 57 years old. It is believed that this is a benign tumor that is not caused by any seri­ous dis­eases. Jor­dan just needs reg­u­lar check-ups with an eye doc­tor.

Health prob­lems in aging are a side effect of seri­ous train­ing in the youth of almost every ath­lete. To win the NBA six times, take gold at the Olympics twice, become the NBA Most Valu­able Play­er five times and the NBA Finals Most Valu­able Play­er six times, you need to work very, very hard. Jor­dan knew how to pull him­self togeth­er and work. He got up ear­ly in the morn­ing and went to train. His diet was new for that time. His atti­tude towards work­ing with the body made him who he is.

Jordan in the game
Do you see any changes in your eyes?
yes, trou­ble
don’t pan­ic, you’ll live