Messi moved to David Beckham’s Inter Miami: the footballer will continue his career in the USA

The Argen­tine admit­ted that he want­ed to move to Barcelona, ​​but could not come to an agree­ment with his home team.

Argenti­na’s star strik­er Lionel Mes­si has signed a con­tract with North Amer­i­can Major League Soc­cer (MLS) club Inter Mia­mi. The foot­baller said this in an inter­view pub­lished by Mun­do Deporti­vo.

Why did Messi choose the US team?

Inter Miami’s own­er­ship group includes for­mer Eng­land cap­tain David Beck­ham. Mes­si, who turns 36 in June, will play out­side Europe for the first time in his career. He assures that mon­ey was not the main thing in the tran­si­tion, and with Barcelona it didn’t even get to the point of dis­cussing salary.

“I’m leav­ing Europe. To tell the truth, I had offers from oth­er Euro­pean clubs, but I didn’t even look close­ly at them. In Europe, I only want­ed to go to Barcelona. After win­ning the World Cup and not being able to return to Barça, it’s time to go to MLS to live foot­ball dif­fer­ent­ly and have fun every day. Obvi­ous­ly with the same respon­si­bil­i­ty and desire to win, but more calm­ly,” admit­ted Mes­si.

There were rumors that Mes­si could return to Barcelona or go to Sau­di Ara­bi­a’s Al-Hilal. But he chose the US cham­pi­onship — it is weak­er than the top Euro­pean ones, but much more pow­er­ful than the league in Sau­di Ara­bia. The sea­son at PSG was not the best for Mes­si — it seems his age is tak­ing its toll.

Mes­si will make good mon­ey in the USA. Do you know how he spent his first salary? You will be sur­prised!

What will be the terms of Messi’s contract?

Ear­li­er, the media report­ed that Inter Mia­mi offered Mes­si a con­tract worth a total of $200 mil­lion. At the same time, MLS clubs are ready to joint­ly pay the for­ward part of his salary if he con­tin­ues his career in this tour­na­ment. After all, Mes­si’s arrival will ben­e­fit all teams — the atten­tion of the whole world will be focused on the cham­pi­onship.

The Argen­tine is expect­ed to take part in the adver­tis­ing cam­paign for the 2026 FIFA World Cup, which will be held in the USA, Cana­da and Mex­i­co. Mes­si’s arrival is a rep­u­ta­tion­al move before a big tour­na­ment. For this, accord­ing to The Ath­let­ic, he is enti­tled to unprece­dent­ed bonus­es:

  • Mes­si will receive a per­cent­age of prof­its from new Apple+ sub­scribers who start watch­ing MLS match­es and con­tent.
  • Mes­si will begin to prof­it from the sale of some Adi­das prod­ucts.
  • Mes­si will be able to buy any MLS team after his career ends.

If you are not a foot­ball fan and don’t under­stand why there is so much noise around the Argen­tinean, read our mate­r­i­al. In it you will learn more about the his­to­ry of the life and career of Lionel Mes­si!