“I was accused of many things there”: Messi admitted why he did not return to Barcelona

The Argen­tine moved to Inter Mia­mi, although he want­ed to fin­ish his career with the Cata­lan team.

Yes­ter­day it became known that 36-year-old Lionel Mes­si, sev­en-time Bal­lon d’Or win­ner, will con­tin­ue his career at the Amer­i­can club Inter Mia­mi. Mes­si told Mun­do Deporti­vo news­pa­per.

“I decid­ed that I would go to Mia­mi. “I want­ed to leave Europe, get out of the spot­light and think more about my fam­i­ly,” Mes­si admit­ted.

Why didn’t Messi move to Barcelona?

Many expect­ed Mes­si to return to his native Barcelona, ​​where he played almost his entire career. The Argen­tine explained why he could not reach an agree­ment with the club and went to the USA:

“I heard that Barcelona need­ed to sell play­ers or reduce their salaries, and to be hon­est, I didn’t want to be in that sit­u­a­tion. Dur­ing my time at Barcelona I had already been accused of a lot of things that had noth­ing to do with real­i­ty, and I was a lit­tle tired of it and didn’t want to deal with it again.”

Why didn’t Messi move to another European club?

A few years ago, Mes­si was accused of his huge salary lead­ing to Barcelon­a’s finan­cial col­lapse. The tran­si­tion to the USA looks ide­al: Lionel is 36, his play has become worse and he is tired of the atten­tion — he was heav­i­ly crit­i­cized for the qual­i­ty of his per­for­mances at PSG. He will prob­a­bly retire in a cou­ple of years, around the same time as Ronal­do.

“Now I’m at a stage in my life when I would like to reduce the atten­tion to myself a lit­tle,” admits Mes­si. — Two years in Paris were dif­fi­cult — I lived in a hotel with my fam­i­ly for a long time, many every­day prob­lems arose. At times I felt down­right bad.

Yes, it was a cool month after win­ning the World Cup, but glob­al­ly I didn’t feel com­fort­able in France. But we must move for­ward: for the sake of the fam­i­ly and chil­dren. That’s why I decid­ed not to give up, even after I didn’t return to Barça.”

Let us remem­ber that Mes­si, as part of Barcelona, ​​became the cham­pi­on of Spain ten times, the win­ner of the Span­ish Super Cup and the Nation­al Cup sev­en times each, won the Cham­pi­ons League four times, won the UEFA Super Cup three times and the Club World Cup. In 2021, the for­ward received the Bal­lon d’Or for a record sev­enth time — the prize for the best play­er of the year.