“Young guys meet me”: 71-year-old bodybuilder grandmother shows off her sexy bikini body

She start­ed work­ing with iron in retire­ment and now looks bet­ter than in her stu­dent years.

Renee Lan­ders is a 71-year-old grand­moth­er body­builder who is known in the com­mu­ni­ty for her mus­cu­lar fig­ure. While most of his peers are at best inter­est­ed in Nordic walk­ing, Lan­ders takes part in body­build­ing com­pe­ti­tions. More­over, her first com­pe­ti­tion took place at the age of 69 — in 2021!

How did grandma become a bodybuilder?

Lan­ders, 71, admits that she looks and feels bet­ter now than in her youth. She did­n’t work with iron until she was 60 years old. Then she suf­fered a back injury and suf­fered from con­stant pain. The Amer­i­can pre­pared for a seden­tary life and even bought a bead weav­ing kit.

That all changed in Octo­ber 2009 when she had low­er back fusion surgery, which gave her a new lease of life. Hav­ing hired a per­son­al train­er in the sum­mer of 2010, with whom she still works dai­ly, Lan­ders got into great shape and for­got about the pain:

“I didn’t want to be a fat pen­sion­er and I didn’t want to be fat at all. So I decid­ed to change my life, which made a huge dif­fer­ence. I feel like I have extend­ed my life.”

Lan­ders per­forms in a biki­ni next to com­peti­tors who are 40–50 years younger. But the grand­moth­er is con­fi­dent in her­self and feels that she looks bet­ter now than she did when she was 20.

“This is the fittest I’ve ever been in and I look and feel bet­ter than I did when I was 20 years old. I was afraid to wear a skimpy, shiny biki­ni because I was almost 70—at least 20 years old­er than the next old­est per­son. But now I know that age and sex­u­al­i­ty can be com­bined, and I am liv­ing proof of that,” admits Rene.

How does a grandma bodybuilder train?

Lan­ders works out five days a week and does car­dio every day. She admits that she reg­u­lar­ly receives com­pli­ments from young peo­ple on social net­works, but is now focused on friend­ship. Although she has dat­ed younger men and under­stands that many peo­ple like her.

Lan­ders is con­fi­dent that her good shape is the result not only of train­ing, but also of prop­er nutri­tion. Renee is a pescatar­i­an: she eats fish, but has giv­en up meat. Grand­ma uses a 1700–2000 calo­rie diet and believes that every­one should change their eat­ing habits if they want to have a beau­ti­ful body.

“I trained for many years, but I didn’t have abs. You can train like crazy, but if you don’t watch what you eat, you’ll nev­er change.

The most impor­tant thing to ensure you have enough pro­tein is to watch what you eat. I looked good at 63, but I look even bet­ter now after chang­ing my diet.”