Manchester City won the Champions League for the first time, defeating Inter in the final

This is the first vic­to­ry of an Eng­lish foot­ball club in the League.

In the Cham­pi­ons League final, held in Istan­bul, Man­ches­ter City defeat­ed Inter with a score of 1:0. Rodri­go Her­nan­dez scored the goal in the 68th minute.

Accord­ing to fans, there were no bright or mem­o­rable moments in the first half. Inter showed that they care­ful­ly ana­lyzed the oppo­nen­t’s tac­tics and act­ed thor­ough­ly, not giv­ing the play­ers of the Eng­lish club free zones. But still, the dura­tion of pos­ses­sion of the ball went away for “MS”. As a result, the first half end­ed in a goal­less draw.

After the break, Man­ches­ter City began to play more active­ly, but Inter still tried to defend. As a result, the Ital­ians grad­u­al­ly began to get tired and in the 68th minute, Man City final­ly scored a goal.

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At the group stage of the Cham­pi­ons League, Man­ches­ter City fin­ished first in a group with Borus­sia Dort­mund, Sevil­la and Copen­hagen. Inter fin­ished sec­ond in a group with Bay­ern, Barcelona and Vik­to­ria Pilsen.

It is known that foot­ball play­ers active­ly engage in sports and fol­low a diet to keep them­selves in shape. One of the MS play­ers, Erling Haa­land, spoke about his diet, and the so-called Han­ni­bal Lecter diet, which allows the foot­ball play­er to stay in good phys­i­cal shape