Bodybuilder Lee Priest became a muscleman at the age of 13 and performed with his own mother: look how creepy the phenomenon looks now

He cov­ered his body and face with tat­toos, which shocked fans.

Body­builder Lee Priest, now 50, has post­ed old pho­tographs show­ing his ear­ly years in the sport. It turns out that he was already com­pet­ing when he was in school!

How did Lee Priest become a teenage bodybuilder?

Priest showed pic­tures on social net­works from 1986, when he was only 13–14 years old, but he was already involved in body­build­ing. Sub­scribers were amazed by the good genes of the ath­lete, but warned teenagers against dop­ing — not every­one is able to progress so much at a young age.

“Real­ize guys, you can lift all the weights in the world but you will nev­er look like this,” one wrote. “My advice to the younger gen­er­a­tion is to give up drugs and be hap­py with what you are genet­i­cal­ly capa­ble of build­ing, because com­par­ing your­self to peo­ple like Lee is unhealthy. This dude is on anoth­er lev­el,” anoth­er added.

Young Lee began lift­ing at the age of 13: he read sports lit­er­a­ture and lift­ed weights that adults take. The school­boy adored Schwarzeneg­ger, he also liked Tom Platz and Eddie Robin­son.

Priest start­ed lift­ing because his moth­er was also a body­builder. When the guy was 15 years old, she invit­ed him to go on stage togeth­er. They have per­formed as such a mar­ried cou­ple more than once.

What does Lee Priest look like now?

Priest has had many ups and downs in body­build­ing. He repeat­ed­ly com­pet­ed at the main body­build­ing tour­na­ment “Mr. Olympia”, but did not rise above 6th place. Many believe that his prob­lem was his short height — 163 cm. By the way, find out how the tallest body­builder in the world, 218 cm tall, lives!

Lee Priest then and now

As his career pro­gressed, Priest became inter­est­ed in motor sports and set sev­er­al records. The last pro­fes­sion­al body­build­ing tour­na­ment in Lee’s career was his per­for­mance at the Aus­tralian Grand Prix com­pe­ti­tion in 2006, where he took sec­ond place.

Lee has always been an extra­or­di­nary per­son — for exam­ple, he dyed his hair white to look like body­builder Tom Platz. The ath­lete also loved comics about Super­man, whom he imi­tat­ed even as an adult. And after his career, he cov­ered his body and face with tat­toos:

In 2014, Priest was involved in a car acci­dent that left him with a neck injury. He under­went sev­er­al surg­eries due to nerve dam­age and was unable to train for a long time. Unlike many body­builders who lost their health, Priest got into shape and now looks great:

Now Priest is a pop­u­lar fit­ness blog­ger. He writes for body­build­ing pub­li­ca­tions and fre­quent­ly appears on pod­casts. He reg­u­lar­ly hints at a return to the sport, but it is unlike­ly to hap­pen at a high lev­el — he is already 50 years old.