Why Lionel Messi was detained at the airport in China: anyone could end up in the footballer’s place

The cap­tain of the Argen­tine team was let down by his lack of knowl­edge of geog­ra­phy.

Argenti­na’s prepa­ra­tions for the friend­ly match have faced a slight hitch due to a delay in foot­ball team cap­tain Lionel Mes­si’s prepa­ra­tions. The ath­lete was detained by Chi­nese police.

Arriv­ing in Bei­jing, the 35-year-old play­er began going through pass­port con­trol but was sud­den­ly stopped at the air­port due to prob­lems with his pass­port. Mes­si report­ed­ly did not apply for a visa. Leo has both Argen­tine and Span­ish pass­ports, and he took the lat­ter to Chi­na.

Span­ish pass­port hold­ers do not have visa-free entry into Chi­na, but they can enter Tai­wan. The Argen­tine was sure that Tai­wan was part of Chi­na and did not apply for a visa, reports Timesnownews.com.

leo messi

It is unknown how the con­flict was resolved, but the foot­baller has already post­ed a pho­to from train­ing on his account. And while Mes­si is prepar­ing to play for the Argenti­na nation­al team, a new for­ward has already been found to take his place at Paris Saint-Ger­main.

Let us remind you that the 35-year-old for­ward left the French team and moved to Inter Mia­mi as a free agent. He also explained why he will not return to Barça. Now his place will be tak­en by Man­ches­ter City mid­field­er Bernar­do Sil­va. In Paris they believe that the Por­tuguese will be able to suc­cess­ful­ly dupli­cate Mes­si on the foot­ball field.