Why Roman Kostomarov always wears a hat: a skater’s secret that you haven’t thought about

In a recent video from the hos­pi­tal, he appeared again wear­ing a head­dress.

The whole coun­try is watch­ing the fate of fig­ure skater Roman Kos­tom­arov. The Olympic cham­pi­on suf­fered a seri­ous ill­ness and lit­er­al­ly returned from the dead. Now Kos­tom­arov is recov­er­ing and prepar­ing for pros­thet­ics.

Why does Kostomarov always wear hats?

Recent­ly, Kos­tom­arov pub­lished a new video on social net­works in which he exer­cis­es on an exer­cise bike using tem­po­rary pros­the­ses. The skater looked cheer­ful and, as always, had a hat on his head.

Why does Kos­tom­arov love hats so much? He seems to wear a beanie or base­ball cap all the time—on vaca­tion, at events, and dur­ing inter­views. Even on the ice, the skater wrapped a ban­dana around his head, main­tain­ing his usu­al image.

It turns out that Kos­tom­arov is more com­fort­able in hats: he feels more con­fi­dent in them. Roman’s hair began to fall out about 10 years ago. He did­n’t want to shave his head or get hair exten­sions, so he start­ed wear­ing hats, which became part of his image.

Kostomarov without a headdress

Kos­tom­arov believes that wear­ing hats makes him look younger:

“I once felt more com­fort­able on the ice: my hair began to thin, but your part­ner still needs hair when you dance. In sin­gle skat­ing this is some­what eas­i­er. Well, now I’m just used to it,” the skater admits.