Martin will have close eye on ‘exceptional’ Southampton teen after international award

The inter­na­tion­al break is often a time for most teams in the Cham­pi­onship to rest and recov­er, but that isn’t the case for Southamp­ton.

The South Coast­ers have one of the strongest squads in the divi­sion, so nat­u­ral­ly, many of their play­ers have depart­ed the coun­try on inter­na­tion­al duty.

Their acad­e­my, too, boasts a num­ber of supreme­ly tal­ent­ed play­ers who have been called up to rep­re­sent their respec­tive coun­tries at youth lev­el.

Samuel Amo-Ameyaw is one of those and has been rep­re­sent­ing England’s under-18s in the Pinatar Super Cup in Spain.

Samuel Amo-Ameyaw picks up MVP award

England v Czechia: Men's U18 International
Pho­to by Aitor Alcalde – The FA/The FA via Get­ty Images

Amo-Ameyaw is one of the bright­est prospects at Southampton‘s pres­ti­gious Sta­ple­wood acad­e­my and has already appeared for Rus­sell Martin‘s senior team aged just 17.

The left-foot­ed wide play­er was sen­sa­tion­al for the young Three Lions in Spain and scooped up the Most Valu­able Play­er award at the tour­na­ment.

He net­ted in the open­ing game against the Czech Repub­lic before star­ring against Ger­many and the Nether­lands in the final, which end­ed in a 2–1 tri­umph.

Amo-Ameyaw wasn’t the only Saints play­er who fea­tured, Jay­den Meghoma and Tyler Dib­bling also impressed.

Mar­tin cer­tain­ly would’ve kept tabs on the promis­ing trio, though, Amo-Ameyaw, in par­tic­u­lar, may have staked a major claim to fea­ture for the first team in the remain­ing 10 games of the sea­son.

Russell Martin well aware of Samuel Amo-Ameyaw

Mar­tin is well aware of just how tal­ent­ed the for­mer Tot­ten­ham Hot­spur acad­e­my play­er is.

Speak­ing last July, the Saints boss heaped praise on Amo-Ameyaw: “You’ve got to be real­ly care­ful with young play­ers but he’s an excep­tion­al tal­ent.

“He’s a real­ly excit­ing play­er and a great kid. He was 17 a few days ago and he’s signed his first pro­fes­sion­al con­tract.

“There’s a real edge to him on the pitch. he’s got a real pitch per­son­al­i­ty for some­one so young. I think the oth­er play­ers real­ly respect his abil­i­ty and atti­tude to work.

“We can be excit­ed about him but we can also under­stand that he is very, very young and he has a lot of work to do.

“For his age, he’s been a beau­ti­ful sur­prise for us in terms of what he can pro­duce. It’s up to us to make him ready for the first team reg­u­lar­ly as quick­ly as pos­si­ble.”

If Saints need a spark late on in games, the jet-heeled winger could get his chance to impress the St Mary’s faith­ful.

He could be a use­ful wild­card for Mar­tin and one that may catch a lot of oppo­si­tion full-backs off guard.

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