You’ve never seen David Beckham like this: 5 photos of the football player from his childhood

We also delved into the archives and found footage of the Eng­lish play­er before he became a foot­ball star.

Beck­ham began play­ing for the Man­ches­ter Unit­ed youth team at the age of 14, where he lat­er became a star in Eng­lish foot­ball. He man­aged to appear in the most famous foot­ball clubs in Europe, and then even cre­at­ed his own in the USA. Through his sports career there is a rela­tion­ship with his wife, for­mer lead singer of the Spice Girls group Vic­to­ria Beck­ham, who bore him 4 chil­dren. Judg­ing by Beckham’s social net­works, he has devel­oped a warm rela­tion­ship not only with his wife, but also with his moth­er, whom he con­grat­u­lat­ed, wish­ing her the best day and pub­lish­ing an archival pho­to. In an old pho­to, young Beck­ham is wear­ing a track­suit with the Man­ches­ter Unit­ed emblem.

After this pub­li­ca­tion, we couldn’t help but dig up sim­i­lar archival pho­tos of the Beck­ham fam­i­ly. The next shot shows an even younger David with Lyn­n’s sis­ter Georgina Beck­ham.

Next, let’s go to an even ear­li­er child­hood of the celebri­ty. In the pho­to, David, hap­py with life, and his oth­er sis­ter Joan Louise Beck­ham are lying on the grass.

Social net­works are sim­ply a trea­sure trove of use­ful infor­ma­tion. Do you agree? On Beckham’s per­son­al page, for exam­ple, you can find footage like this. The pho­to shows the future Eng­lish foot­ball star with his sis­ter and moth­er.

Do you think we for­got about the pho­to with our father? Here it is. A young father and son hold one of the future leg­end’s first foot­ball tro­phies.

From these pho­tographs and the fact that Beck­ham every year does not for­get to con­grat­u­late his loved ones on their birth­day with warm words on social net­works, one can judge that he was able to build a bril­liant career with­out destroy­ing his rela­tion­ship with his fam­i­ly. Not every­one can boast of this. Bra­vo, Bex!