5 most beautiful goals in the history of football that broke all the laws of physics

They still amaze fans, and many play­ers admit that they do not under­stand how they cre­at­ed these mas­ter­pieces.

In foot­ball, beau­ti­ful goals are scored every year, but some become icon­ic. Play­ers do won­ders with the ball: we’ve put togeth­er a selec­tion of five goals that fans espe­cial­ly loved.

Cristiano Ronaldo (2019)

Jump­ing Cris­tiano Ronal­do has become his call­ing card. The Por­tuguese often scores with his head, and Sam­p­do­ri­a’s goal in 2019 from a height of 256 cen­time­ters gave rise to a world­wide chal­lenge — peo­ple hung the ball up and tried to reach it. ​​​​​​

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In 2022, Moroc­can nation­al team strik­er Youssef En-Nesyri broke Ronal­do’s record — before his eyes. He scored the only goal in the World Cup quar­ter-finals, elim­i­nat­ing Por­tu­gal with Cris­tiano on the field. The Moroc­can for­ward jumped to a height of 2.76 meters and head­ed the ball into the net.

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Roberto Carlos (1998)

On Feb­ru­ary 21, 1998, Real Madrid play­er Rober­to Car­los scored one of the most beau­ti­ful goals of his career.

The Brazil­ian crossed from the left flank, but the ball end­ed up in the net. The Tener­ife goal­keep­er didn’t seem to even under­stand how it hap­pened! Many believe that Car­los scored by acci­dent, which does not take away from the beau­ty of the goal — it flew into the net in an arc.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic (2012)

Zla­tan Ibrahi­movic is a leg­endary Swedish strik­er who has scored many beau­ti­ful goals through­out his career. But the goal against Eng­land in 2012 is con­sid­ered one of the most incred­i­ble.

It was a friend­ly match: Ibrahi­movic came out as cap­tain and scored three goals. With the score 3:2 in favor of Swe­den, in extra time, he cre­at­ed a mas­ter­piece that will for­ev­er remain in his­to­ry. After all, Ibrahi­movic scored with an over­head kick from 30 meters!

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Marcin Oleksi (2022)

​​​​​​​Pol­ish foot­baller Marcin Olek­si, who is miss­ing his left leg, received the Puskas Award for the best goal of 2022.

Olek­si plays on crutch­es for Warta Poz­nań in the AMP Fut­bol Ekstr­a­clasa, a tour­na­ment where all the out­field play­ers are miss­ing a leg and the goal­keep­ers have a miss­ing or injured arm. In the match against Stal from Rzezhuwa, Olek­si scored a beau­ti­ful goal, shoot­ing through him­self.

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“When my part­ner was just approach­ing the ball, I real­ized that the pass would go to me,” said Olek­si. — When I shot, I watched the whole time how the ball flew, how it flew into the cor­ner. I always want­ed to score beau­ti­ful­ly. You saw how proud I was of this goal — I stood up straight and stuck out my chest. I was so hap­py!

Roberto Carlos (1997)

In June 1997, an inter­na­tion­al friend­ly tour­na­ment was held in France. Brazil­ian defend­er Rober­to Car­los per­formed a real mir­a­cle in the first half of the game against the French in Lyon.

The Brazil­ian’s strong blow was known, but no one expect­ed that he would vio­late the laws of physics. Run­ning almost from the cen­ter of the field, Car­los pow­er­ful­ly hit with the out­side of his foot — the ball picked up a speed of 198 (!) km/h, flew around the wall and flew into the gate. France goal­keep­er Fabi­en Barthez did­n’t even move.

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“Hon­est­ly, I still don’t know how I did it. It was a beau­ti­ful goal that took a lot of train­ing and hard work through­out my career. But the work paid off in the end — I scored a great goal, which became spe­cial for me,” recalled Rober­to Car­los 20 years after the match with France.