A dog in Luzhniki, an advertisement for mayonnaise and a fan’s penalty: 8 main memes of Russian football

The new RPL sea­son has already start­ed.

On July 21, the first match of the new RPL 23/24 sea­son took place, in which Krasnodar beat Dynamo. Teams are just get­ting into the sea­son, so we remem­bered the most curi­ous cas­es in the his­to­ry of Russ­ian foot­ball that have become memes.

Legendary Sapogov: header from the lawn and the dream of Juventus

For­ward Alex­ey Sapogov is a leg­end of Russ­ian foot­ball. In 2012, he broke into the Pre­mier League with Vol­ga Nizh­ny Nov­gorod and scored goals one after anoth­er — even against Spar­tak and CSKA.

For the Russ­ian nation­al team‑2, Sapogov scored a leg­endary goal: he plopped down on the lawn and drove the ball with his head into the emp­ty goal. “There is noth­ing humil­i­at­ing in this goal, I didn’t throw it with my ass,” said the foot­baller.

Sapogov became famous for his unusu­al inter­views, but over the years his per­for­mance began to wors­en. And at the age of 25 he announced his retire­ment. Years lat­er, Sapogov became inter­est­ed in reli­gion and even want­ed to com­pete in MMA.

Sapogov remained in mem­o­ry not as a scor­er, but as a meme. Because of the embar­rass­ing goal and, of course, the love for Juven­tus. Sapogov want­ed to get into the Ital­ian club so much that he gave the disk with his goals to Anto­nio Con­te.

“I had the idea to trans­fer the disc with my goals to Juven­tus. I stopped at the hotel where the team lived and asked the girl who had access to the club to hand it over to head coach Anto­nio Con­te. I hope he received the disc,” said the for­ward.

Fan goal against Saturn

On Sep­tem­ber 19, 2009, Ramen­sky’s Sat­urn host­ed Spar­tak. At the begin­ning of the sec­ond half, a penal­ty was award­ed. Spar­tak cap­tain Alex approached the point, and Sat­urn goal­keep­er Antonin Kin­s­ki pre­pared to hit.

While Alex was gath­er­ing his courage, a plump young man in a striped sweater jumped onto the field and sent the ball into the net with an accu­rate left-hand­ed shot. Under the approv­ing roar of Spar­tak fans, the man made a semi-cir­cle of hon­or, after which he sur­ren­dered to the police. And it deserved to be repeat­ed on tele­vi­sion!

Mayonnaise dance in Yekaterinburg

On Novem­ber 30, at the Russ­ian cham­pi­onship match “Ural” — “Ros­tov”, spec­ta­tors were sur­prised by danc­ing peo­ple in bum­ble­bee and may­on­naise cos­tumes. The bum­ble­bee is the Ural mas­cot, and the may­on­naise com­pa­ny is the offi­cial spon­sor.

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The video became a meme on the Inter­net, because the footage was accom­pa­nied by music from the TV series “The Mas­ter and Mar­gari­ta.” The dance turned out to be awe­some!

Wagner Love and a dog on the Luzhniki field

In May 2007, CSKA played against Spar­tak. At the end of the game at Luzh­ni­ki, a dog ran onto the field. I stayed on the field for a minute, but every­one remem­bered:

Yawn­ing, the dog ran up to the judge Igor Zakharov and received a yel­low card as a joke. The foot­ball play­ers took turns stroking it, and in front of the Brazil­ian Vagn­er Love, the dog lay down on its back. After this, she was care­ful­ly tak­en out of the field with­out any vio­lence.

By the way, Vagn­er Love, the leg­endary Brazil­ian for­ward of CSKA, became the hero of anoth­er meme. Once, after scor­ing a goal, he put on a police cap — it turned out to be as col­or­ful as pos­si­ble.

Mistakes of Alan Gatagov

In the fall of 2010, Alan Gatagov was 19 years old. He con­sis­tent­ly start­ed for Loko­mo­tiv, and nation­al team coach Dick Advo­caat said that he was the best young play­er in Rus­sia.

But in the fall of 2010, Gatagov became a meme. All because of sev­er­al mis­takes on the field. The first was an unsuc­cess­ful feint in the match with Sat­urn. Com­men­ta­tor Mikhail Polen­ov react­ed: “Gatagov with the ball… Triple sheep­skin coat!”

This is how Gatagov him­self spoke about the feint:

“Slip­pery, damp. I rushed along the flank and in my haste did some­thing won­der­ful: I stepped on the ball, my sup­port­ing leg moved, with the oth­er I tried to hit the ball with force, but missed, my arms start­ed spin­ning like mills. In gen­er­al, it turned out to be some kind of gob­bledy­gook.”

Then there was a mon­strous miss against Siberia — the mid­field­er missed the emp­ty goal from two meters:

Gatagov did not build a big career and reg­u­lar­ly appears in clips of the worst fail­ures in the his­to­ry of foot­ball. Although towards the end of his career he scored a beau­ti­ful goal with a scor­pi­on kick.

Football stars against Bukin in “Happy Together”

The sit­com “Hap­py Togeth­er” is an absolute record hold­er for the num­ber of invit­ed foot­ball play­ers. Evge­ny Aldonin played the oper­a­tor, Vadim Evseev the piz­za deliv­ery man, and Dmit­ry Loskov the shop­ping cen­ter secu­ri­ty guard. All because Gena Bukin cre­at­ed a new foot­ball league in his dream and left pro­fes­sion­als with­out work.

Also in the series appeared Andrei Kanchel­skis, Dmit­ry Bulykin, Rus­lan Nig­mat­ullin. And the stars of Spar­tak of the 90s: from Fyo­dor Cherenkov to Andrei Pyat­nit­sky.

Karpin and fake confession of racism

A video has long been viral on social net­works in which Valery Karpin says ter­ri­ble things on tele­vi­sion. Amaz­ing­ly, many peo­ple believed it! The video became a meme in the foot­ball com­mu­ni­ty due to its fun­ny edit­ing.

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It was made in such a way that Karpin’s phras­es, uttered on the air of the “90 Min­utes Plus” pro­gram on the NTV-Plus chan­nel, exposed him as a racist.

In real­i­ty, Karpin, rein­forc­ing the the­sis that racism among fans can­not be defeat­ed through pre­ven­tive con­ver­sa­tions, quot­ed a fan who con­fessed to him that he hat­ed black peo­ple. Of course, these were not the thoughts of the head coach of the Russ­ian nation­al team, but a good edit­ing.