The best goals of Cristiano Ronaldo’s career: 6 football masterpieces that amazed the world

Over­head kick, heel goal and shot from 33 meters!

Cris­tiano Ronal­do has scored hun­dreds of goals, many of which are stun­ning­ly beau­ti­ful. We’ve put togeth­er a list of those great ball moments where Cris­tiano amazed the world.

Real Madrid — Osasuna (2012)

When Ronal­do was shin­ing at Real Madrid, he reg­u­lar­ly amazed local fans with pow­er­ful shots from out­side the penal­ty area. In the match with the mod­est Osasuna, Cris­tiano showed incred­i­ble skill — hit­ting the top nine from an impres­sive dis­tance.

The goal­keep­er saw the moment of impact, but was pow­er­less — the ball at the moment of flight resem­bled a can­non­ball.

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Real Madrid — Espanyol (2016)

As Ronal­do raced towards the Espany­ol penal­ty area, the counter-attack seemed to fal­ter. But the ball ric­o­cheted to the Por­tuguese, who elim­i­nat­ed sev­er­al defend­ers with a series of feints.

Mov­ing along the penal­ty area, Ronal­do took a shoot­ing posi­tion and shot beau­ti­ful­ly past the goal­keep­er. Per­fect goal!

Real Madrid — Valencia (2014)

Ronal­do scored this impor­tant goal when reg­u­lar time had already end­ed. Valen­cia won 2:1, but Real did not give up and pinned the oppo­nent in the penal­ty area. Madrid were fight­ing for the cham­pi­onship, so they did­n’t want to lose points.

Angel Di Maria threw the ball onto the goal line, and Ronal­do did some­thing that nei­ther the Valen­cia defend­ers nor goal­keep­er Diego Alves expect­ed. He hit the ball like a karate­ka — with spikes! Real Madrid did­n’t win the title that sea­son, but Ronal­do’s goal was vot­ed the best of the 2013/14 La Liga sea­son.

Manchester United vs Porto (2009)

Young Ronal­do scored this goal in the quar­ter­fi­nals of the Cham­pi­ons League against Por­to. Cris­tiano received the ball in the oppo­nen­t’s half of the field, took a cou­ple of steps and, with­out rais­ing his head, fired into the top cor­ner from 33 meters.

In a fan vote on the Inter­na­tion­al Foot­ball Fed­er­a­tion web­site, this goal was rec­og­nized as the best goal of 2009. Ronal­do’s goal allowed Man­ches­ter Unit­ed to advance. But the British did not win the Cham­pi­ons League in the final, los­ing to Barcelona.

Juventus — Sampdoria (2019)

In the 45th minute of the meet­ing with Sam­p­do­ria, after a cross from the left flank, Ronal­do jumped incred­i­bly high. He rose to the lev­el of the oppos­ing defend­er’s head and head­ed the ball into the goal.

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Ronal­do jumped 71 cm when he struck and end­ed up at a height of 2.56 meters. For a long time, the record remained unbro­ken, and sci­en­tists stud­ied the unusu­al mechan­ics of Ronal­do’s jump. Many con­sid­er Cris­tiano’s peri­od at Juven­tus not the most suc­cess­ful, but at the time of the match with Sam­p­do­ria, he scored in five match­es in a row.

Real Madrid Juventus (2018)

By the 64th minute of the first quar­ter-final match between Juven­tus and Real Madrid, Madrid were lead­ing 1:0 thanks to Cris­tiano’s goal in the 3rd minute. After an hour of play, Ronal­do would score again, cre­at­ing a real mas­ter­piece.

After serv­ing from the flank, the Por­tuguese per­formed a bis­ci­cle­ta (over­head kick), which still seems like a mas­ter­piece. The goal was rec­og­nized as the best in the Cham­pi­ons League at the end of the 2017/18 sea­son. Ronal­do’s goal shocked the Ital­ian fans so much that they gave the Por­tuguese a stand­ing ova­tion.