Conflict with the Irish mafia and fight with Khabib over a Russian friend: 6 of Conor McGregor’s most scandalous antics

The UFC fight­er got into a brawl again — this time at his aun­t’s funer­al in Eng­land.

For­mer dou­ble UFC cham­pi­on Conor McGre­gor is in scan­dal again. He was recent­ly accused of beat­ing a mas­cot and rap­ing a girl at an NBA game. Now Conor got into a fight in a pub in the Eng­lish town of Birk­in­head, where he came to attend the funer­al of his aunt Pam­era.

“We were stand­ing out­side and heard glass­es break­ing. Then McGre­gor ran out and shout­ed to his body­guards: “Take me away from here, take me away urgent­ly!” said a wit­ness to the inci­dent.


We remem­bered the most scan­dalous fights of the dar­ing Irish­man that took place out­side the Octa­gon. There were a lot of them!

Conflict with Nate Diaz’s team

In Decem­ber 2015, Conor defeat­ed Jose Aldo in 13 sec­onds. He became a feath­er­weight cham­pi­on and a glob­al star. But in the next fight he sen­sa­tion­al­ly lost to Nate Diaz in the wel­ter­weight divi­sion. Conor received an imme­di­ate rematch, before which he gave vent to his emo­tions.

The press con­fer­ence for the UFC 202 tour­na­ment in August 2016 had to end ear­ly. Conor was 40 min­utes late, and Diaz left almost imme­di­ate­ly after his oppo­nent appeared. He and his team shout­ed insults from the audi­ence as they head­ed for the exit.

McGre­gor lost his tem­per and began throw­ing bot­tles at Diaz and his team. Sub­se­quent­ly, Conor was pun­ished: he was fined 150 thou­sand dol­lars and giv­en 50 hours of com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice.

Conflict with the Irish Mafia

In 2017, Conor beat up a man in a Dublin pub. The vic­tim turned out to be the father of the author­i­ta­tive Irish mafia Gra­ham Whe­lan. There were rumors that there was a mil­lion dol­lar reward for McGre­gor’s life.

Conor was advised to leave the coun­try, but the fight­er stat­ed that he was not in any dan­ger. The details of the sto­ry are unknown, but now McGre­gor has a good rela­tion­ship with the Whe­lans, who work for the Kina­han crime fam­i­ly, one of the most pow­er­ful in the world.

In April they even wrote that McGregor’s sis­ter was dat­ing Gra­ham Whe­lan.

Graham Whelan and Conor's sister

Attack on Khabib on the bus

One of the most famous scan­dals involv­ing McGre­gor is the attack on the bus in which his rival Khabib Nur­magome­dov was. This hap­pened before the UFC 229 tour­na­ment, and the rea­son was an inci­dent with Artem Lobov, Conor’s Russ­ian friend.

Lobov spoke unflat­ter­ing­ly about Khabib in an inter­view. When the Dages­tani met Arty­om in the hotel lob­by, he aggres­sive­ly “taught” him a les­son with the crowd and slapped him in the face on cam­era. Upon learn­ing of this, Conor gath­ered his friends and attacked a bus con­tain­ing UFC fight­ers, includ­ing Khabib.

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McGre­gor threw chairs at the bus, broke win­dows and demand­ed that Khabib get out. The shrap­nel injured some of the fight­ers, and Conor was arrest­ed for his dan­ger­ous trick. As a result, he lost the fight to Khabib, who, after the vic­to­ry, jumped into the Irishman’s team in the gym and start­ed a mas­sive brawl.

McGre­gor was released on bail of $40,000. The ver­dict for the bus attack was lenient: com­pen­sa­tion for the vic­tims, five days of com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice and anger man­age­ment cours­es.

Fan’s broken smartphone

In March 2019, Conor was leav­ing a hotel in Mia­mi when he saw Briton Ahmed Abdirzak film­ing him on a smart­phone. Conor was in a bad mood: he knocked the cam­era out of his hands, tram­pled it with his foot and took it for him­self.

A dis­tressed fan report­ed McGre­gor to the police, after which the fight­er was arrest­ed, but again released on bail of 12.5 thou­sand dol­lars. It didn’t go to tri­al, although ini­tial­ly the vic­tim want­ed to sue for 15 thou­sand — valu­able pho­tos of his son were left on the smart­phone.

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“Conor came over to shake my hand. As he approached, he abrupt­ly pulled me towards him, snatched the phone and smashed it. The guards imme­di­ate­ly sur­round­ed me and began to move me away. And McGre­gor tram­pled on my phone and behaved very rude­ly.

He shout­ed: “Get the fuck out of my sight.” I asked for my phone back. But the guards said: “Move, boy. Conor said what he said.”

McGre­gor picked up my cell phone and put it in his pock­et, laugh­ing. What real­ly pissed me off was that there were pho­tos of my son on the phone that I had not yet saved to iCloud. I may not be able to get them back,” the vic­tim said.

Fight with an old man in a pub

In August 2019, Conor got into per­haps the most shame­ful sto­ry. In a Dublin pub, he decid­ed to treat every­one to his Prop­er Twelve whiskey. But grand­fa­ther, who was sit­ting next to him, refused. He said that he would not drink this “swill,” hint­ing at the poor qual­i­ty of the drink.

Conor got angry and hit the old man. For­tu­nate­ly, the blow was tan­gen­tial and the man was not injured. But the MMA com­mu­ni­ty dis­cussed the scan­dal for a long time — the UFC star was unable to knock out an old man in a pub. Conor got off easy and paid a thou­sand dol­lar fine.

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Mascot beating at NBA game

In June, McGre­gor attend­ed Game 4 of the NBA Finals between Mia­mi and Den­ver. Dur­ing the break, Conor came onto the court to pro­mote a painkiller spray. In a staged fight, he knocked out the Mia­mi mas­cot and then sprayed him with spray.

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It turned out that the fight got out of con­trol. The mas­cot was dragged away by his legs and sub­se­quent­ly tak­en to the hos­pi­tal. Prob­a­bly the fin­ish­ing blow on the ground from Conor was unnec­es­sary.

Lat­er, the fight­er was accused of rap­ing a girl at the same NBA match: secu­ri­ty guards alleged­ly forcibly dragged her into the toi­let. But video wit­ness­es showed that the girl went there vol­un­tar­i­ly.