Americans called Russian Alina Zagitova the sexiest figure skater in the world: 6 best photos of the athlete

The Olympic cham­pi­on retired from the sport, but is only becom­ing more pop­u­lar.

Jour­nal­ists from the Amer­i­can pub­li­ca­tion The Sun US wrote an arti­cle about Ali­na Zag­i­to­va, call­ing her the sex­i­est fig­ure skater in the world. Why did the world fall in love with the Russ­ian ath­lete so much?

The best photos of a figure skating beauty

The author of the mate­r­i­al invites read­ers to meet “a stun­ning Russ­ian woman, the sex­i­est fig­ure skater in the world and a mod­el who loves to gar­den.”

Zagitova on a country plot

From Zagitova’s biog­ra­phy it is men­tioned that she began fig­ure skat­ing at the age of four in Izhevsk, and at the age of 13 she moved to Moscow to train under the guid­ance of Eteri Tut­beridze and Sergei Dudakov. Hav­ing won many titles, Zag­i­to­va moved away from sports and is gain­ing media expo­sure.

The Olympic cham­pi­on delights fans with vivid pho­tographs on social net­works tak­en dur­ing her trav­els. And the num­ber of sub­scribers on her account is more than 1.1 mil­lion peo­ple.

Jour­nal­ists esti­mat­ed Zag­i­to­va’s for­tune at $5 mil­lion, not­ing the prof­itable coop­er­a­tion with the Puma brand. The mate­r­i­al also reports that Zag­i­to­va was an ambas­sador for the Tat­neft oil com­pa­ny and appeared on the cov­ers of pop­u­lar mag­a­zines.

Zagitova’s main vic­to­ry was gold at the 2018 Olympic Games in Pyeongchang. The fig­ure skater also has gold at the World and Euro­pean Cham­pi­onships. She was exclud­ed from the Russ­ian nation­al team in 2021, but is still con­sid­ered one of the main stars of fig­ure skat­ing.

Zag­i­to­va is good at any sport — recent­ly she has become inter­est­ed in box­ing. And she even sparred with two-time Olympic box­ing cham­pi­on Oleg Saitov. She also became a TV pre­sen­ter — since 2020 in the show “Ice Age”.

Zag­i­to­va leaves no one indif­fer­ent. Some­one crit­i­cizes the girl, but she is look­ing for her­self — recent­ly she even tried to sing, per­form­ing a track with Zivert. She trav­els a lot and wants to open a fig­ure skat­ing school in Kazan.