Artem Dzyuba was disqualified for two matches and fined 50 thousand rubles: a new scandal involving a football player

Artem Dzyu­ba, the star strik­er of Loko­mo­tiv Moscow, was again in the spot­light. What caused the dis­qual­i­fi­ca­tion for 2 match­es and a fine of 50 thou­sand rubles, and what cir­cum­stances led to this

Artem Dzyu­ba, the famous strik­er of Loko­mo­tiv Moscow, again found him­self in the spot­light. But this time the rea­son was not his per­for­mance on the field, but a new scan­dal that occurred after one of the last match­es.

The Con­trol and Dis­ci­pli­nary Com­mit­tee of the Russ­ian Foot­ball Union decid­ed to pun­ish Dzyu­ba with a two-match dis­qual­i­fi­ca­tion, but con­di­tion­al­ly. In addi­tion, the foot­ball play­er was fined 50 thou­sand rubles. Its head, Arthur Grig­o­ryants, spoke about this deci­sion of the com­mit­tee. At the same time, he empha­sized that the foot­ball play­er can only appeal the amount of the fine.

Why did the scandal arise?

It all start­ed after the match between Loko­mo­tiv and Krylia Sove­tov Sama­ra, which end­ed with a score of 1:1. Dzi­u­ba did not play then due to injury. After the game, jour­nal­ist Vitaly Borodin asked Dzyuba’s opin­ion regard­ing the state­ment of Krylia Sove­tov head coach Igor Shal­imov. Shal­imov said that Artem would not be able to score more than two goals dur­ing the autumn peri­od of the cham­pi­onship.

Dzi­uba’s reac­tion to this ques­tion was far from the stan­dard diplo­mat­ic answer. His harsh com­ment sparked con­cern and debate among the foot­ball com­mu­ni­ty. All this led to the fact that the Con­trol and Dis­ci­pli­nary Com­mit­tee of the RFU decid­ed to inter­vene in the sit­u­a­tion.

How­ev­er, in response to a wave of dis­cus­sions, Vitaly Borodin empha­sized that he did not take Dzyuba’s words as a per­son­al insult, sug­gest­ing that the footballer’s emo­tions could have over­whelmed him after a dif­fi­cult match.

The man­age­ment of Loko­mo­tiv also had their say in this sto­ry. They decid­ed not to take dis­ci­pli­nary action against their play­er. Chair­man of the board of direc­tors of the club, Yuri Nagornykh, empha­sized that the man­age­ment ful­ly trusts their strik­er and believes in his pro­fes­sion­al­ism on and off the field.

It is worth recall­ing that Dzyu­ba not so long ago, on Feb­ru­ary 8, became a Loko­mo­tiv play­er. Last sea­son he played 13 match­es, scor­ing 8 goals and mak­ing 5 assists. So far in the new sea­son, the foot­baller has man­aged to take part in four games and score one goal.

Despite all the noise sur­round­ing this inci­dent, fans hope that Dzyu­ba will con­tin­ue to impress with his skills and will soon return to the field to help his team achieve new vic­to­ries.