Beckham’s record for best free-kick taken in the Premier League could be broken this season

No one has been able to over­take the leg­endary Red Dev­ils mid­field­er for 20 years.

David Beck­ham played in the Eng­lish Pre­mier League for more than 10 years. He became famous as a mas­ter of accu­rate pass­es and assists, as well as tak­ing free kicks and penal­ties. The for­mer Man­ches­ter Unit­ed play­er left behind a record that has yet to be bro­ken.

So Beck­ham set a record for the most goals from free kicks in the Pre­mier League. So the foot­ball play­er ham­mered 18 of these swords. How­ev­er, the first threat appears, which may soon eclipse the per­for­mance of the leg­endary Eng­lish­man.

His main com­peti­tor was 28-year-old mid­field­er James Ward-Prowse, who had already been rel­e­gat­ed from the Pre­mier League with his club Southamp­ton at the end of last sea­son. He even man­aged to play in one round in the Cham­pi­onship and, it would seem, broke a new record.

How­ev­er, Ward-Prowse is bought by West Ham for 35 mil­lion euros. This means that the club’s new­com­er from Strat­ford will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to over­take Beck­ham in the num­ber of goals scored in the Pre­mier League from free kicks this sea­son. He is only one goal behind the record hold­er.

Last sea­son, Ward-Prowse played 38 match­es, scored 9 goals and pro­vid­ed 4 assists. Per­haps the mid­field­er will replace 24-year-old Declan Rice in the new team, who moved from West Ham to Arse­nal this sum­mer for a record fee of more than £100 mil­lion.

Watch how Ward-Prowse can trace the “wall” in the video below. This guy has every chance of becom­ing the new record hold­er for the most goals scored from free kicks in the Pre­mier League.

Click and watch

Becks has owned his own foot­ball club in the USA, Inter Mia­mi, for sev­er­al years. It recent­ly became known that plans to buy Mes­si into his team appeared long before the cre­ation of the club, and the fate of the famous Argen­tine was decid­ed dur­ing din­ner over a glass of wine.

It turns out that Beck­ham has more than two pas­sions in life — foot­ball and his wife Vic­to­ria. The for­mer foot­ball play­er turned out to be a big fan of Lego con­struc­tors. This is his main hob­by, which his whole fam­i­ly knows about. It all start­ed when David was play­ing for Milan. Then the foot­ball play­er had a lot of free time, and he found a mod­el of the Taj Mahal on the Inter­net. The Lego con­struc­tion set fas­ci­nat­ed the foot­ball play­er so much that he bought it and assem­bled it with his sons. Find out what hap­pened next in our mate­r­i­al.