Ronaldo has increasingly stronger competitors: PSG and Brazil national team star Neymar moved to Al-Hilal from Saudi Arabia

He will become a team­mate of the for­mer Zen­it foot­ball play­er.

The own­ers of clubs in Sau­di Ara­bia want to turn the local cham­pi­onship into a “super league”, which UEFA once want­ed to do, but because of the ter­ri­ble scan­dal, the idea was scrapped. A sim­i­lar moment is played out even in the series “Ted Las­so”, where a bil­lion­aire from Ghana want­ed to gath­er the top clubs of Europe in one cham­pi­onship, but the own­er of Rich­mond smart­ly reined in the boy­ish habits of the African. (sor­ry for the spoil­er)

Many star play­ers have already moved to this Arab coun­try, whose careers are near­ing com­ple­tion, and final­ly they want to earn mon­ey for a com­fort­able future for their grand­chil­dren and great-grand­chil­dren, or buy a brand new sports car for their car col­lec­tion, as the Por­tuguese Cris­tiano Ronal­do likes to do. It was he who “launched” this trend of mov­ing to Sau­di Ara­bia at the end of 2022. He even pre­dict­ed ear­li­er that many top foot­ball play­ers would fol­low him in a year. The fore­cast slight­ly did not come true, only six months have passed, and the own­ers of clubs from Sau­di Ara­bia are attract­ing the most star play­ers with fab­u­lous salaries.

Brazil­ian for­ward Ney­mar, who plays for the French club Paris Saint-Ger­main (PSG), will now become anoth­er sol­id rival for Ronal­do. The 31-year-old foot­baller signed a con­tract with the Sau­di team Al-Hilal. The por­tal L’E­quipe report­ed this.

The agree­ment runs until 2025. Al-Hilal acquired Ney­mar for 80 mil­lion euros (at today’s exchange rate, that’s almost 9 bil­lion rubles). Tak­ing into account some bonus­es that are not yet known, the amount could reach 100 mil­lion euros. Pre­vi­ous­ly, anoth­er Brazil­ian Mal­colm, who played from St. Peters­burg Zen­it, moved to this team.

Ney­mar will play in the Sau­di Ara­bi­an foot­ball cham­pi­onship this sea­son. The ath­lete should soon arrive in Riyadh to under­go a med­ical exam­i­na­tion before com­plet­ing the trans­fer.

Let us remem­ber that Ney­mar became a PSG play­er back in 2017. Then the for­ward moved from the Span­ish Barcelona for 222 mil­lion euros. The Brazil­ian became the cham­pi­on of France as part of his club for 5 sea­sons in a row. Dur­ing this time, he played 173 match­es for the Parisians, scored 118 goals and made 77 assists. It seems that PSG’s invest­ment has paid off in full.

They have already moved to Sau­di Ara­bia to play: Karim Ben­ze­ma at Al-Itti­had, where he will earn 200 mil­lion euros in two years. Ngo­lo Kante became his team­mate. The French­man pre­vi­ous­ly played for Chelsea in Lon­don. Ruben Neves moved to Al-Hilal, and Kali­dou Koulibaly went there too. Mous­sa Dem­bele has moved from Lyon to Al-Itti­faq. And this is only a small part of the trans­fers. The trans­fer of anoth­er PSG star, Kylian Mbappe, to Al-Hilal is still in doubt. Accord­ing to rumors, the French­man is offered a salary of 700 mil­lion euros per sea­son, but Mbappe does not real­ly want to leave France.