The sexiest fan of the 2022 World Cup stunned subscribers with her figure in a tiny bikini

That World Cup was remem­bered not only for the vic­to­ry of Mes­si’s team. Can you guess who the girl was root­ing for?

The 2022 World Cup, which took place in Qatar, will remain in the mem­o­ry of many fans not only as a cel­e­bra­tion of foot­ball. Lionel Mes­si from his team shone at this World Cup, win­ning the main tro­phy. Fans from all over the world came to the unique Arab coun­try to not only enjoy the game of their favorite teams, but also to show them­selves off.

So at the last World Cup 2022 Ivana Knoll became a real star. She sup­port­ed the Croa­t­ian nation­al team so much that many for­eign media wrote about her. They admired her fig­ure and curves, call­ing her the sex­i­est fan of the 2022 World Cup.

We don’t know whether Ivanka’s pres­ence or some­thing else helped the Croa­t­ian foot­ball team per­form suc­cess­ful­ly at com­pe­ti­tions in Qatar. The team, led by cap­tain Luka Mod­ric, suc­cess­ful­ly advanced from the group and reached the semi-finals, where they lost to the future cham­pi­ons, the Argen­tines. Nev­er­the­less, the Croats were able to beat the Moroc­can team, which had become a sen­sa­tion, in the match for third place, win­ning bronze medals.

Now Ivana lives in Mia­mi and works as a mod­el. We will prob­a­bly see her very soon at the match­es of Messi’s new team. Many foot­ball play­ers will­ing­ly take pic­tures with the mod­el. So Ivana recent­ly pub­lished a pho­to on her per­son­al page on social net­works with the star of the Nor­we­gian nation­al team and the Eng­lish club Man­ches­ter City, Erling Haa­land.

Hav­ing become famous thanks to her curvy fig­ure and reveal­ing out­fits at the sta­di­um, the mod­el does not hes­i­tate to pub­lish hot pho­tos on her social net­works. So recent­ly, Ivana pub­lished a pho­to in a black biki­ni, from which her sub­scribers sim­ply went crazy. The series of pic­tures received more than 250 thou­sand likes.

Not only foot­ball fans can sur­prise men with their beau­ty, but the foot­ball play­ers them­selves are not averse to show­ing that they are not only good on the field. Check out the 5 hottest soc­cer play­ers of the 2023 Wom­en’s World Cup.

We recent­ly wrote that the neur­al net­work named the 10 hottest actress­es in Hol­ly­wood. Try to guess who made it to the top three. We also col­lect­ed 5 of Mar­got Rob­bie’s most dar­ing images in one place: look at these hot pic­tures of the star of the movie “Bar­bie”.