There will be no fight: Mark Zuckerberg accused Elon Musk of avoiding the fight

Hope for a poten­tial fight between Mark Zucker­berg and Elon Musk seems to be fad­ing.

“I think we can all agree that Elon is not seri­ous about this, it’s time to move on,” Zucker­berg wrote on social media. “I sug­gest­ed a real date. Dana White offered to orga­nize this fight as a real com­pe­ti­tion for char­i­ty. Elon did­n’t con­firm the date, then said he need­ed surgery and now wants to do a prac­tice round in my back­yard.”

Zucker­berg con­tin­ued: “If Elon ever gets seri­ous about the real date and the offi­cial event, he knows how to con­tact me. Oth­er­wise, it’s time to move on. I’m going to focus on com­pet­ing with those who take this sport seri­ous­ly.”

In response to Zucker­berg’s state­ment, Musk pub­lished per­son­al cor­re­spon­dence about the upcom­ing fight. In it, the Tes­la founder says that on August 14 he will come to Zucker­berg, and they will fight in the octa­gon, which is installed at Zuckerberg’s home.

“I haven’t trained much, but judg­ing by the dif­fer­ence in our sizes, I think you only have a chance of win­ning if you’re like a mod­ern-day Bruce Lee,” Musk quipped.

History of the conflict

Ini­tial­ly, the con­flict between Mark Zucker­berg and Elon Musk began in June 2023 over the devel­op­ment of the Threads social net­work as an alter­na­tive to Twit­ter. Zucker­berg’s move angered Musk, who had acquired Twit­ter the pre­vi­ous year.

Both busi­ness­men active­ly expressed their thoughts in the media, and at one point Musk chal­lenged Zucker­berg to a duel: “I’m ready for a cage fight if he does too lol.” Musk recent­ly tweet­ed that the Zucker­berg vs. Musk fight will be broad­cast live on X, with all pro­ceeds going to char­i­ty. Zucker­berg respond­ed to Musk with a jab at X, writ­ing on Threads: “Shouldn’t we be using a more robust plat­form that can actu­al­ly raise mon­ey for char­i­ty?”

Dana White, the head of the UFC, joined in the media noise, promis­ing to orga­nize the fight and assur­ing that both fight­ers are seri­ous. He stat­ed that this could be the biggest fight in MMA his­to­ry. How­ev­er, the fight between Mark Zucker­berg and Elon Musk has not yet been offi­cial­ly sched­uled.

Who is stronger?

Elon Musk, 52 years old, is not accus­tomed to a healthy lifestyle and rarely exer­cis­es. He often eats fast food and loves soda and donuts. As a child, he prac­ticed karate and taek­won­do and even par­tic­i­pat­ed in street fights. Despite the extra pounds, Musk con­sid­ers this an advan­tage, claim­ing that he can sim­ply crush an oppo­nent with his weight. But his phys­i­cal fit­ness and sta­mi­na are not up to par. The con­duct of the fight depends on Mask’s health. He needs to under­go tests, includ­ing a CT scan of his neck and back, after an injury suf­fered almost 10 years ago.

At 39 years old, Mark Zucker­berg leads a healthy lifestyle. He is inter­est­ed in sports, has been involved in fenc­ing and surf­ing, and has recent­ly become inter­est­ed in MMA and jiu-jit­su. He even shows off his work­outs on social media. This spring he com­pet­ed in his first Brazil­ian Jiu-Jit­su com­pe­ti­tion and won gold and sil­ver medals. Appar­ent­ly, Mark is bet­ter than Elon in sports per­for­mance.

Elon Musk’s moth­er, May, imme­di­ate­ly opposed the fight. She wrote that she actu­al­ly can­celed the fight, although the par­tic­i­pants do not know about it yet. She joked that she would keep say­ing the fight was can­celled, just to be safe. Instead of a phys­i­cal fight, she sug­gest­ed a ver­bal fight, to which Musk respond­ed with laugh­ing emo­jis.