McGregor will return to the UFC. He announced 3 fights with his participation, which will take place in the near future

McGre­gor came to the fight between Antho­ny Joshua and Robert Hele­nius and stole the pub­lic’s atten­tion: he announced the fights, ridiculed oth­er UFC stars and shared his impres­sions of the con­fronta­tion between the box­ers.

McGre­gor has not com­pet­ed in the UFC for a long time, but con­tin­ues to con­stant­ly gen­er­ate news. A few days ago, he went to the fight between Antho­ny Joshua and Robert Hele­nius and man­aged to attract the atten­tion of the media. McGre­gor came sur­round­ed by girls, and after the end of the fight he made sev­er­al state­ments, as report­ed by Talk­Sport.

He first com­ment­ed on the out­come of the fight, prais­ing Joshua’s per­for­mance: “Great­ness takes its time. “Joshua took his time, he hit a big shot and I’m just hap­py that Hele­nius got up.”

But the UFC fighter’s speech did not end there. Then the typ­i­cal trash talk in the spir­it of McGre­gor began. This time it went to blog­ger KSI, who became a UFC fight­er. The Irish­man crit­i­cized his tech­nique, call­ing KSI a mediocre fight­er: “he could­n’t even pack eggs if he worked in an egg pack­ing fac­to­ry.”

McGre­gor did­n’t stop there. He again announced his appear­ance in the ring, say­ing that his fight with Michael Chan­dler was about to take place, and after his sev­er­al fights in the near future:

  • fight with Justin Gaeth­je for the BMF belt;
  • fight with Nate Diaz.
Conor McGregor plans to return to the UFC loudly and in style

How­ev­er, these state­ments should be treat­ed with skep­ti­cism. It is far from cer­tain that McGre­gor will return in the near future. Let’s remem­ber: in 2021, he broke his leg in a fight against Poiri­er and then went to recov­ery.

How­ev­er, it is not injury that pre­vents him from return­ing to the UFC, but a dop­ing scan­dal. An ath­lete is pro­hib­it­ed from com­pet­ing in the UFC until he pass­es tests that con­firm that he is clean and can take part in fights.

But even if per­mis­sion is received, you shouldn’t expect much from the fights. McGre­gor is a mas­ter of loud state­ments and trash talk, but in the last years of his career he did not show any­thing extra­or­di­nary in the ring. His fight with Poiri­er end­ed in a tech­ni­cal knock­out in the first round.

In addi­tion, age makes itself felt: McGre­gor is now 35. Yes, there are old­er fight­ers, but not every­one had such a big career break as Conor.