Educational seminar from Men Today and much more: how DDX Fitness Fest 2023 went

On July 29 and 30, true fit­ness fans gath­ered at the City Sport sta­di­um “Kras­naya Pres­nya” — even the rain didn’t scare them! Body­Bal­ance with a sym­pho­ny orches­tra, class­es with a drum show, the most mas­sive FitRock in the his­to­ry of Rus­sia — all this took place on the last week­end of July!

The fes­ti­val allowed every­one present to try dif­fer­ent types of train­ing, take part in excit­ing mas­ter class­es and com­pe­ti­tions, ask ques­tions to their favorite blog­gers, stand on nails, and shoot with Nerf guns. And also meet like-mind­ed peo­ple and make sure that fit­ness is bright, excit­ing and fun!

The edu­ca­tion­al lec­ture was of par­tic­u­lar inter­est “Feel­ing the mus­cle. The main myth of mod­ern fit­ness. Atti­tudes that hin­der progress” from fit­ness direc­tors Men Today Dmit­ry Putylin, held on July 30 as part of the fes­ti­val lec­ture hall. At the sem­i­nar, Dmit­ry spoke about mus­cle growth from a sci­en­tif­ic point of view, dis­pelled the most com­mon fit­ness myths and answered many ques­tions from lis­ten­ers.

Dmitry Putylin

DDX Fit­ness FEST became a place where like-mind­ed peo­ple could meet, chat, get a good work­out and even dance, singing along to their favorite per­form­ers — VOGEL and the PIZZA group. Roman­tic lyrics, excel­lent melodies, soul­ful pre­sen­ta­tion — the dances became the ide­al end to busy and bright days.