“Barbie in the best shape”: Manchester City star Haaland was criticized for a photo in a blue jacket and sandals

The Nor­we­gian came to the fash­ion show wear­ing this look.

For­ward from Nor­way, 22-year-old Erling Haa­land, became a star of the Eng­lish foot­ball club Man­ches­ter City. He helped the team achieve the tre­ble. His club won three tour­na­ments — the Cham­pi­ons League, the cham­pi­onship and the FA Cup.

The young­ster has scored one more goal than 11 of the 20 Pre­mier League clubs this sea­son. City (as Man City is called in Eng­land) bought Haa­land last sum­mer from Borus­sia Dort­mund.

Recent­ly, the fash­ion house Dolce & Gab­bana staged an incred­i­ble show in Italy. The brand showed a new col­lec­tion in the town of Alber­o­bel­lo, famous for its pho­to­genic hous­es with con­i­cal roofs — trul­li.

“Bar­bie at her best” “you def­i­nite­ly can’t buy taste with mon­ey”; “Bar­bie” who can defeat “Oppen­heimer”; “Holand’s mom,” com­menters write.

We asked fash­ion expert Anas­ta­sia Gro­mo­va how suc­cess­ful the image of a foot­ball play­er in a suit in the col­ors of the Man City kit is:

“Both the paja­ma style and the pas­tel blue col­or are among the hot trends of the sea­son, so I can’t say any­thing bad about Erling’s look. Per­son­al­ly, I’m a lit­tle embar­rassed by slip­pers, but the dress code of the event does not pro­hib­it them, so the choice is left to the dis­cre­tion of the foot­ball play­er. He came to the show wear­ing brand clothes, as expect­ed, and that’s the main thing.”