3 Russian tennis players reached the quarter finals of Wimbledon: expert forecast for the game

This hap­pened for the sec­ond time in his­to­ry. The expert assessed our guys’ chances of mak­ing it to the semi-finals.

In 2021, at the Aus­tralian Open 2021, three Russ­ian ten­nis play­ers reached the quar­ter finals for the first time in his­to­ry. Among them were Dani­il Medvedev, Andrei Rublev and Aslan Karat­sev.

Now this result has been repeat­ed at Wim­ble­don. Roman Safi­ullin, Andrei Rublev and Dani­il Medvedev reached the quar­ter­fi­nals of the Grand Slam tour­na­ment.

Rublev has a chance to take revenge after a disappointing defeat to Djokovic at the Australian Open 2023

27-year-old Medvedev beat Czech Jiri Leg­ech­ka in the 4th round. Safi­ullin beat Argen­tinean Gui­do Pel­la. Rublev turned out to be stronger than Alexan­der Bub­lik from Kaza­khstan.

In the quar­ter finals, Rublev will meet Ser­bian Novak Djokovic. Safi­ullin will have to play with Ital­ian Jan­nik Sin­ner, and Medvedev will have a match with Amer­i­can Christo­pher Eubanks.

2‑time cham­pi­on of Rus­sia 2022 in ITF, cham­pi­on of Moscow 2022 Olga Sabel­niko­va espe­cial­ly for Men Today shared her fore­cast for the upcom­ing match­es: “Medvedev will come next. I believe in Danya 100%. Djokovic is more like­ly to win against Rublev, and Sin­ner against Safi­ullin. Although I root for our guys. Or rather, Safi­ullin still has a chance. It is quite pos­si­ble that he will pull against Sin­ner. Played stel­lar before, he’s a great net­min­der. I root for Rublev with all my heart, and if he hits and hits with­out flinch­ing, then there is also a chance. Wim­ble­don is a game on grass, there is always roulette and every­one has a chance. Every­thing will be decid­ed by the serve and the play at the net.”

A video from the match between Rublev and Bub­lik, where the Russ­ian mas­ter­ful­ly takes a point, is gain­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty on social net­works. Ten­nis leg­end Mats Wilan­der called it the best shot in his­to­ry after the game.

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