The CSKA football player moved to Spartak for the first time in 29 years: he was introduced to the iconic scene of Guy Ritchie’s “The Gentlemen”

Army fans con­sid­er Med­i­na a trai­tor, but the Paraguayan does not regret chang­ing the club.

On July 10, Spar­tak Moscow announced the trans­fer of Paraguayan mid­field­er Jesus Med­i­na from CSKA. Accord­ing to, Med­i­na became the first play­er in 29 years to move direct­ly from CSKA to the camp of its prin­ci­pal rival, Spar­tak.

The trans­fer cost Spar­tak €6 mil­lion, and the army team can receive anoth­er €1 mil­lion as bonus pay­ments. CSKA fans have already called Med­i­na a trai­tor, and Spar­tak pre­sent­ed the foot­ball play­er in an orig­i­nal way — recre­at­ing a scene from Guy Ritchie’s “The Gen­tle­men”.

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How did Spartak present Medina?

The 40-sec­ond spot for “Spar­ta­cus” was a ref­er­ence to the film “Gen­tle­men” by Guy Ritchie. This scene is known as “The Rus­sians Are Clean­ing Up” and fea­tures Jesus as Mick­ey Pear­son, who is played by Matthew McConaugh­ey in the film.

McConaugh­ey’s char­ac­ter receives a warn­ing from an assis­tant: “Don’t get in the car, boss.” But it’s too late, because he reads the mes­sage already in the back seat, when the Rus­sians are dri­ving the car.

The mes­sage for Med­i­na is sim­i­lar: “Don’t get in the car, Jesus.”

In the film, McConaugh­ey tries to hail the dri­ver and says, “Dave?” But instead he sees a Russ­ian ban­dit who, with a char­ac­ter­is­tic accent, answers: “No Dave.”

In the Spar­tak ver­sion, Med­i­na hes­i­tant­ly asks: “VEB Are­na”? (CSKA sta­di­um). Artem Rebrov, the for­mer Spar­tak goal­keep­er and now tech­ni­cal coor­di­na­tor, turns to him and answers: “No VEB Are­na.”

The Spar­tak car is dri­ven by Niki­ta Bazhen­ov (for­mer play­er, now respon­si­ble for play­ers on loan at the club) — his eyes are vis­i­ble in the rearview mir­ror. Like the man behind the wheel in The Gen­tle­men:

Guy Ritchie’s episode ends with a van block­ing the car’s path, from which they open fire on the wind­shield. Spar­tak has a soft­er end­ing — the car stops at Otkri­tie Bank Are­na, the new sta­di­um in Med­i­na.