David Beckham’s hobby that annoys his wife: she thought only children did it

The for­mer foot­ball play­er can spend up to 10 hours a day on his hob­by, with his sons help­ing him.

David Beck­ham is a famous foot­ball play­er, sex sym­bol and hus­band of the mag­nif­i­cent Vic­to­ria. Like many stars, Beck­ham has an unusu­al hob­by. It turns out that in his free time, David col­lects Lego con­struc­tors and is not averse to turn­ing his hob­by into a pro­fes­sion.

Why did Beckham fall in love with construction sets?

Lego is Beck­ham’s main hob­by, which his whole fam­i­ly knows about. It all start­ed when David was play­ing for Milan. Then the foot­ball play­er had a lot of free time, and he found a mod­el of the Taj Mahal on the Inter­net. The Lego con­struc­tion set fas­ci­nat­ed the foot­ball play­er so much that he bought it and assem­bled it with his sons.

Beckham collects LEGOs not even on the street

About his hob­by, David says: “I know this can­not be a pro­fes­sion. I enjoy build­ing Lego and would love to become a pro­fes­sion­al “builder”.

But foot­ball has great­ly influ­enced my life. We trav­el a lot thanks to my work. If I were a Lego col­lec­tor, I wouldn’t have this oppor­tu­ni­ty.”

Beck­ham once boast­ed that he had assem­bled a mod­el of Tow­er Bridge from more than 4,000 parts. This toy cost him $350. David believes that this is quite a dif­fi­cult, but very inter­est­ing activ­i­ty.

Assem­bling the con­struc­tor is calm­ing, the ener­gy switch­es in a pos­i­tive direc­tion. In addi­tion, this is an excel­lent rea­son to find a com­mon lan­guage with chil­dren and spend more time with them, the for­mer foot­ball play­er is sure.

“When chil­dren fin­ish school they often play foot­ball or rug­by. When we return home, we play the con­sole. We also love LEGO. The last thing I col­lect­ed was Tow­er Bridge. It was amaz­ing! I think the design­er calms me down,” Beck­ham admit­ted.

How does his wife feel about David’s hobby?

Accord­ing to Beck­ham, Lego affects him in much the same way as cook­ing does. He repeat­ed­ly called work­ing in the kitchen “ther­a­py.”

But his wife Vic­to­ria makes fun of David — she often reminds him that this is a child’s activ­i­ty. How­ev­er, the wife made an excel­lent gift for his birth­day: she bought two con­struc­tion sets at once, which made her hus­band hap­py.

Vic­to­ria showed off her gifts on social net­works, show­ing how David was try­ing to fig­ure out the set right at the kitchen table. The ath­lete was col­lect­ing a copy of the Land Rover Defend­er.

Vic­to­ria jok­ing­ly not­ed that the con­struc­tion set is intend­ed for chil­dren over 11 years old, so David can def­i­nite­ly han­dle it. Assem­bling the car took the man just over 8 hours.

Vic­to­ria also showed anoth­er set based on Star Wars. You need to make a Star Destroy­er space­ship out of it.

This set, accord­ing to Vic­to­ria, should have been a real test for David. “She’ll be col­lect­ing it until next Christ­mas,” the singer said con­fi­dent­ly.