Pimenov, Aldonin and Krapivnikov conducted a training session in the courtyard in Lyubertsy

The RFU orga­nized an auto­graph ses­sion and an exhi­bi­tion match with the stars as part of the “Foot­ball in Every Yard” project.

The Russ­ian Foot­ball Union is launch­ing the “Foot­ball in Every Yard” project at two pilot sites in the Vnuko­vo res­i­den­tial com­plex in New Moscow and the Lyu­bert­sy project near Moscow. Class­es will be held every Sat­ur­day until the end of Sep­tem­ber, and the first train­ing ses­sion on August 5 for res­i­dents of the Lyu­bert­sy res­i­den­tial com­plex was con­duct­ed by ex-Russ­ian nation­al team play­ers Rus­lan Pimen­ov, Evge­ny Aldonin and “People’s Team” foot­ball play­er Mikhail Krapivnikov.

Class­es are avail­able to every­one aged 10 years and old­er. The nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion can be found in the TG chan­nels of res­i­den­tial com­plex­es and infor­ma­tion boards on the ter­ri­to­ry of res­i­den­tial com­plex­es. The RFU will pro­vide class­es with qual­i­fied train­ers and pro­vide equip­ment from Jögel, the Union’s tech­ni­cal part­ner.

Rus­lan Pimen­ov, Evgeniy Aldonin and Mikhail Krapivnikov held a warm-up, showed basic sets of exer­cis­es and held exhi­bi­tion match­es. Every­one was able to take pic­tures and take auto­graphs from ex-play­ers of the Russ­ian nation­al team.

The goal of the RFU project is to revive back­yard foot­ball and life at region­al sites. For this pur­pose, the most com­fort­able con­di­tions for train­ing and play­ing are cre­at­ed in the city’s court­yard “box­es”.