The Manchester United goalkeeper missed a goal from the center of the field: the footballer was bought for 52 million euros

This was the goal­keep­er’s debut match.

Cameroon nation­al team goal­keep­er Andre Onana missed a curi­ous goal in a friend­ly game against Lens when he came out of the goal poor­ly. The foot­baller moved to Man­ches­ter Unit­ed from the Ital­ian Inter on July 20, he played his debut match at Old Traf­ford.

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For the 27-year-old Cameroon­ian, this was his debut match at Man­ches­ter Unit­ed’s home sta­di­um, Old Traf­ford. He moved to Man­ches­ter Unit­ed from Ital­ian Inter on July 20 for 52 mil­lion euros.

In the 23rd minute, Lens for­ward Flo­ri­an Soto­ka saw Onana come far out of the gate and shoot from the cen­ter cir­cle. The ball flew over the Cameroon­ian and end­ed up in the net. Man­ches­ter Unit­ed even­tu­al­ly won a strong-willed vic­to­ry. The goals were scored by Mar­cus Rash­ford (48), Antho­ny (53) and Casemiro (59).

Andre is a grad­u­ate of Samuel Eto’o Acad­e­my. In 2010, he moved to the Barcelona sys­tem and played for its teams for five years. In Jan­u­ary 2015, Andre moved to Ajax Ams­ter­dam. Ini­tial­ly, he played for the sec­ond team of this club in Ørste­di­visi; in the 2016/17 sea­son, the goal­keep­er was pro­mot­ed to the first. His debut in the Dutch top flight took place on 20 August 2016 in a match against Willem II.

In Feb­ru­ary 2021, he was sus­pend­ed for 12 months for dop­ing. The banned drug furosemide was found in Onana’s dop­ing test. Ajax’s offi­cial state­ment claims that the drug entered the foot­ball play­er’s body by acci­dent — he mis­tak­en­ly took his wife’s med­i­cine. In June, by deci­sion of the Court of Arbi­tra­tion for Sport, the peri­od of dis­qual­i­fi­ca­tion was reduced to 9 months. On Novem­ber 24, 2021, after serv­ing his sus­pen­sion, he returned to the field in a match against Besik­tas. The match end­ed in vic­to­ry for Ajax with a score of 2:1.

On July 1, 2022, he moved to the Ital­ian club Inter­nazionale, sign­ing a five-year con­tract. In the 2022/23 sea­son, he helped the Black and Blues win the Ital­ian Super Cup and Ital­ian Cup, as well as reach the Cham­pi­ons League final.

On July 20, 2023, he moved to the Eng­lish club Man­ches­ter Unit­ed for £43 mil­lion, sign­ing a five-year con­tract.

Dur­ing the 2022 World Cup, a sim­i­lar sen­sa­tion occurred: the Ger­man team lost to Japan, con­ced­ing two goals in 8 min­utes in the end