Dynamo footballer Norman left the club due to a drone attack: he was caught in a lie

The lead­er­ship of the “blue and white” intends to sue the mid­field­er.

Nor­we­gian legion­naire Math­ias Nor­mann sent state­ments to the Dynamo and Ros­tov foot­ball clubs to ter­mi­nate his con­tract and left Rus­sia. The gen­er­al direc­tor of the “blue and white” Pavel Pivo­varov announced this to the press the day before. Accord­ing to him, the mid­field­er explained his depar­ture for secu­ri­ty rea­sons, but not every­one believes in this ver­sion.

What happened to Norman?

The day before, Dynamo met with Krasnodar in the match of the sec­ond round of the Pre­mier League. How­ev­er, as it turned out, Matthias Nor­mann will no longer appear on the field with Dynamo. Pavel Pivo­varov said in a state­ment to the media that the foot­ball play­er explained the deci­sion to leave Rus­sia by recent drone attacks on the Moscow City tow­ers.

The gen­er­al direc­tor of the club not­ed that the Nor­we­gian real­ly lived not far from the sky­scrap­ers, but, accord­ing to Pivo­varov, this was not a prob­lem — the club offered Matthias to move, but he refused. “We do not agree with his posi­tion, togeth­er with Ros­tov we will appeal to the arbi­tra­tion court. He lived near Moscow City, it was his choice.”,” the head of the club empha­sized.

Pivo­varov not­ed that dur­ing their last meet­ing, Nor­man said good­bye to every­one at the Dynamo base — how­ev­er, the gen­er­al direc­tor did not notice any­thing unusu­al in this, telling the foot­baller that they would see each oth­er the next day. Sub­se­quent­ly, the team man­age­ment received a let­ter from the mid­field­er ter­mi­nat­ing the agree­ment.

Accord­ing to Pivo­varov, the secu­ri­ty rea­sons stat­ed by Matias are noth­ing more than an excuse to leave the club. Pavel recalled that the foot­ball player’s con­tract was end­ing next week. “We are con­vinced that this whole sit­u­a­tion is just an excuse to get away for free.”,” the “Cham­pi­onship” cor­re­spon­dent reports the words of the “blue and white” gen­er­al direc­tor.

Now the plans of the Dynamo man­age­ment are to defend their inter­ests in court. Ros­tov takes a sim­i­lar posi­tion — the clubs joint­ly coor­di­nate their legal strat­e­gy.

Pivo­varov also added that there were no com­plaints or requests from oth­er team play­ers after this sit­u­a­tion; they all con­tin­ue train­ing.

The 27-year-old Nor­we­gian mid­field­er played for the cap­i­tal team on loan from Ros­tov. His con­tract was due to expire at the end of August. In the 2022–23 sea­son, Nor­man played 17 match­es for Dynamo — 14 in the Pre­mier League, anoth­er 3 in the Fon­bet Russ­ian Cup.