Mike Tyson made a prediction for the fight between Usik and Dubois

Iron Mike made a harsh joke about the British titled ath­lete.

On August 26, in the Pol­ish town of Wro­claw, a box­ing match for the WBA Super heavy­weight title will take place between Ukrain­ian Alexan­der Usik and Briton Daniel Dubois.

The Ukrain­ian ath­lete has been in pro­fes­sion­al box­ing since 2013 and has nev­er left the ring defeat­ed. His oppo­nent is no slouch either. Dubois lost only one out of 20 fights.

Now the entire box­ing world is pay­ing close atten­tion to the prepa­ra­tions for this fight. Box­ing leg­end Mike Tyson, 57, also con­tin­ues to fol­low mod­ern com­pe­ti­tions. The for­mer world cham­pi­on made his pre­dic­tion for the fight between Usik and Dubois, jok­ing about the Briton.

“I’ve nev­er seen Dubois in the ring before. There­fore, in this pair I will bet on the cham­pi­on Usik,” Tyson said.

Usyk gained muscle mass before the fight

The world’s box­ing tops last week dis­placed Alexan­der Usik from the first place in the pound-for-pound rank­ing (it includes all pro­fes­sion­al box­ers per­form­ing in dif­fer­ent cat­e­gories). The Ukrain­ian box­er has been in first place on the list of the best box­ers on the plan­et since May 2022. Now the leader of the herd rank­ing is Amer­i­can Ter­ence Craw­ford, and Japan­ese Naoya Inoue is in sec­ond place.

British box­er Daniel Dubois, nick­named Dyna­mite, is prepar­ing very seri­ous­ly for the upcom­ing fight and is ready to take his cham­pi­onship titles from Usik: “I’m one hun­dred per­cent ready, ready to fight. We’re going to bring the titles home, they’re com­ing with me. It’s def­i­nite­ly my time. Yes, Usyk was a great cham­pi­on, but, as I said, every­thing has an end. His “toe” must go. I have to sur­pass him in every­thing. I’m younger and stronger and I’ll give this guy hell. I was born for this”.

Usyk is also not wast­ing any time and is active­ly gain­ing mus­cle mass for the upcom­ing fight, since his oppo­nent is much larg­er than him. Box­ing fans react­ed emo­tion­al­ly to Usik’s new pho­to on social net­works. In the pho­to, a bare-chest­ed box­er holds a bas­ket­ball in his hands dur­ing train­ing. He looks big­ger than usu­al.

Pre­vi­ous­ly, Usik was also sup­posed to have a cham­pi­onship fight with WBC title hold­er Briton Tyson Fury, but the fight fell through because the par­ties could not agree on the terms of the con­tract. Usik, after a press con­fer­ence in Lon­don, chal­lenged Irish fight­er Conor McGre­gor to a fight: “I saw that Conor McGre­gor gained a lot of weight. Hey Conor, why don’t we do the fight at Wem­b­ley?”