Dziuba tore his T‑shirt during the match and became the hero of memes — you have never seen him so angry

The foot­baller lost his tem­per because of Loko­mo­tiv’s unsuc­cess­ful play, as well as the deci­sion of the main ref­er­ee of the match. Now he’s being com­pared to the Hulk!

On Sep­tem­ber 17, Loko­mo­tiv lost to Oren­burg at home in the eighth round of the Russ­ian Pre­mier League with a score of 0:2. Loko­mo­tiv for­ward Artem Dzyu­ba scored not with goals, but with unusu­al behav­ior in one of the episodes of the match.

Why did Dzyuba tear his T‑shirt during the match?

For Loko­mo­tiv it was an unex­pect­ed and painful defeat in front of their fans. The Moscow team did not play well in the first half, and for­ward Artem Dzyu­ba was the most ner­vous.

The inci­dent occurred in the 32nd minute of the match: Loko­mo­tiv was run­ning into a coun­ter­at­tack, and Dzyu­ba was injured in a fight with defend­er Mikhail Sivakov. The for­ward’s T‑shirt was torn, but chief ref­er­ee Artur Fedorov did not record the vio­la­tion.

Dzi­u­ba got angry: he appealed to the ref­er­ee, showed his torn T‑shirt and did not hold back his expres­sions. The for­ward was sure that the Oren­burg play­er com­mit­ted a foul. And the inex­pe­ri­enced Fedorov, who played only his third match as the chief ref­er­ee of the RPL, did not notice the vio­la­tion.


You can’t play with a torn T‑shirt: Dzi­u­ba ran to the side­line for a new one, and on the way he tore off the dam­aged one. This delight­ed com­men­ta­tors who com­pared Arty­om to the super­hero Hulk.

And judge Fedorov soon trolled Dzyu­ba, shout­ing to Oren­burg foot­baller Matias Perez: “Don’t touch him he doesn’t have a sec­ond jer­sey!”


How did the network react to Dzyuba’s act?

Online users were amused by the com­par­i­son between Dzi­u­ba and the Hulk. The foot­baller became the hero of memes — in one of them he was com­pared to stream­er VJ Link, who is known for vio­lent reac­tions while play­ing Dota 2.


There was also a com­par­i­son with Bill Har­ring­ton from the leg­endary hachimuchi meme:


Loko­mo­tiv picked up the memes and pub­lished a col­lage of Dzyu­ba and the Hulk, cap­tion­ing it: “Not all super­heroes wear capes—for some, a T‑shirt is enough.”


While the Inter­net was hav­ing fun, Dzi­u­ba was not laugh­ing. He react­ed harsh­ly to jour­nal­ists who asked the strik­er why he tore his T‑shirt. “Do I have to report?” — said Artem.

This is not the first time that Dzyu­ba has lost his tem­per with jour­nal­ists. He had pre­vi­ous­ly received a sus­pend­ed sus­pen­sion for attack­ing a reporter after the match.