Olympic champion Roman Kostomarov said that prosthetics will never replace his arms and legs

Roman Kos­tom­arov spoke for the first time about his con­di­tion after ampu­ta­tion on the tele­vi­sion show “Mil­lion Dol­lar Secret.” His emo­tion­al per­for­mance in Ilya Averbukh’s show togeth­er with his wife Oksana delight­ed the celebrity’s fam­i­ly and fans. The arti­cle shared how the cham­pi­on feels after oper­a­tions due to com­pli­ca­tions of pneu­mo­nia.

No mat­ter what they do, no mat­ter what pros­the­ses they install. This will not replace my arms and legs. You can still live with­out legs, but how can you live with­out arms? The whole life is built on this“, Kos­tom­arov said on the NTV chan­nel. adding that it is now very dif­fi­cult for him to look at pho­tos and videos of his pre­vi­ous per­for­mances.

Jan­u­ary 10, 2023 Roman end­ed up in inten­sive care with pneu­mo­nia and flu. Accord­ing to the athlete’s coach Alexan­der Zhulin, Roman had a slight cold and coughed a lit­tle, but no one could even think that he had a seri­ous ill­ness. Lat­er it became known that the skater would be brought to “Kom­mu­nar­ka“in seri­ous con­di­tion. There he was con­nect­ed to mechan­i­cal ven­ti­la­tionand lat­er they added anoth­er device — ECMO (a method of arti­fi­cial sat­u­ra­tion of blood with oxy­gen in the devel­op­ment of severe acute res­pi­ra­to­ry fail­ure).

Against the back­ground of an infec­tion that affect­ed all the ves­sels of the body, Roman devel­oped sep­sis, which turned into gan­grene. Prob­lems with blood cir­cu­la­tion appeared, after which the ath­lete began to expe­ri­ence necro­sis in the left and right feet. Doc­tors ampu­tat­ed them.

I just cried and knew there was no oth­er way out.“, said the Olympic cham­pi­on, recall­ing how he agreed to ampu­ta­tion of his limbs.

I screamed in pain as if I was being oper­at­ed on alive. At first you can­not lift your head from the pil­low, raise your arm, and it is also dif­fi­cult to lift your sev­ered leg. As soon as they start feel­ing sor­ry for me, I start cry­ing

Oksana Domnina and Roman Kostomarov
How could such a situation happen to the healthiest athlete?

Host of the showFig­ure­view”, fig­ure skat­ing ana­lyst Ele­na Rod­i­na con­fi­dent­ly says that the trou­ble occurred due to a rash act. Accord­ing to avail­able infor­ma­tion, the skater, hav­ing a cold and with a high tem­per­a­ture, went to the bath­house, and after the bathing pro­ce­dures he dived into an ice hole. To the bath­house Roman Kos­tom­arov went with a speed skater Ivan Sko­brev. In total, the ath­lete spent almost 6 months with­in the hos­pi­tal walls.

My wife Oksana Domn­i­na has been by my side from the first day to this day, sup­port­ing and help­ing my hus­band. After every­thing he had expe­ri­enced, Roman Kos­tom­arov was able not to lose heart and demon­strat­ed willpow­er.

Soon after being dis­charged from the hos­pi­tal, the skater demon­strat­ed his strength and endurance; he went on the ice not only in skates, but also in sneak­ers. His par­tic­i­pa­tion in Ilya Averbukh’s show, where he per­formed togeth­er with his wife Oksana, was heart­felt and emo­tion­al. Rel­a­tives and fans of the celebri­ty are sure that this is only the begin­ning of new vic­to­ries and achieve­ments in his pro­fes­sion­al jour­ney.